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im sure you guys get this a lot, but arrowheads need to be craftable at the table, not just the forge.

im not saying the forge is a bad idea. in fact, i really like it. add a few more recipes to it and it will be golden :)

but, heres my personal idea. let us make wooden or stone arrowheads on the workbench. temporary heads, they break easily and youll have to constantly be replacing them. something to use in a pinch, yknow? but, the arrowheads you make at the forge out of metal are much stronger, do more damage, and are very reusable. that would help out so much.

for instance. im holed up in the coastal townsite in the gas station living off of gathered supplies from the surrounding houses. there are wolves EVERYWHERE outside. cant go out without a torch, and theyre more aggressive in packs from what i've seen, so the torch doesnt run them off. flail a torch at them and they just stand there growling at me, dont even flinch.

if i could make some arrows on the workbench using my hunting knife and some reclaimed wood, i could clear out the town with the bow. but i cant do that. so i have to face the harsh realization that when i run out of food and water, im eventually just gonna have to walk outside into a pack of wolves with my little hunting knife and pray i dont die.

but, that being said, i do adore the entire idea behind the forge. i think its a great feature. it just needs to be tweaked a little bit :)

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I'd like the option of making arrow heads outta glass, old soda can bottles, even plastic, with the knowledge that they'll wear down much much faster than those made at a forge. Heck, even a sharpened point on the arrow shaft will do.

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I respect your idea, but you can't kill a wolf with a knife really? have you tried it when you are full rested even on stalker is easy, just a few button clicks and just follow the blood and there it is food for a weak. Also you can ditch wolves by jumping from high area but not so high as to kill yourself. also run in to a corner of a cliff crouch and the wolf is gonna lost interest in you this may be a bug I donno but I like it. it reminded me on the Predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was covered in mud and the ... I got carried away here, anyhow I can write this to support your Idea: they can add pickaxe tool which will allow players to dig some flint from the mines, which can be sharpened to use as arrowheads for flint arrows, or be used to make flint and steel (fire starter) in the forge, yea that would be nice. However these types of arrows should instantly brake if you hit something like wolves or dears, bears and just hurt them not kill them instantly even in a head shot because otherwise it will brake the game there will be no need for a metal arrows anymore, but you could still hunt as long as you find your game afterwards again following the blood.

-1 wooden arrows however bad idea too easy game immediately broken.

P.S. I think I mentioned the usage of a pickaxe in my iron ore post, but for another mechanic you can check it out maybe you can add something too :)viewtopic.php?f=59&t=8608

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-1 wooden arrows however bad idea too easy game immediately broken.

Well it's not really about VIDEOGAME mechanics. I strive for realism in these kinds of games, and if I were stranded like that in real life and had a knife, i'd be whittling down wood or grinding down bits of stone for my arrowheads. Sure wouldn't be smelting them at a random forge or mining :P

And yes I CAN kill wolves with my knife, but I just really prefer not to. Canines are MEAN, man. I wouldn't have the you-know-whats to run into a pack of vicious , hungry wolves with a knife in reality. It's just an overall stupid idea that will get you killed. So I'm sure not gonna do it on the game either :P

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-1 however there needs to be more then one place to make them i feel that this was put in to force people to find the new map and give a reason to go there because its such a small map...

I agree and they will, but there many arrow in many places just waiting for someone to pick them up and after they are used up you can harvest the arrowhead and re-craft them, you just need crow feathers which are renewable and birch saplings which are not so uncommon and each gives you 3 so, I would say you don't need to go to the new region to have arrows, just re-craft the ones you find. Also I believe than wooden arrows that is arrows without a arrowhead wouldn't work in real life too because the tip of the arrow has to be very sharp and more importantly heavier to make the arrow fly there was a youtube video on that but I can't seem to find it. In the video they ware showing how arrows move in slow mo, they do not fly straight but bend like snakes do.

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... I didnt even realize I could no longer make arrowheads without a forge. Those two arrows I have in my pack (from before the update) just got a lot more precious, since I'm in PV at the moment.

Ah ah, me too. I"ve lost everything but my 6 harrowheads was in the backpack and i"m already in pv on xboxone.

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I find the forge thing to hard now. I went from PV to DP to try the forge, took me a while to get there and find the forge. I had to use several coal to get into temperature to realize I need a hammer, and good knows where I can find one since I searched almost all DP map.

There should be some alternative to the forge, or increase the amount of spawned arrows in maps.

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im sure you guys get this a lot, but arrowheads need to be craftable at the table, not just the forge.

im not saying the forge is a bad idea. in fact, i really like it. add a few more recipes to it and it will be golden :)

but, heres my personal idea. let us make wooden or stone arrowheads on the workbench. temporary heads, they break easily and youll have to constantly be replacing them. something to use in a pinch, yknow? but, the arrowheads you make at the forge out of metal are much stronger, do more damage, and are very reusable. that would help out so much.

for instance. im holed up in the coastal townsite in the gas station living off of gathered supplies from the surrounding houses. there are wolves EVERYWHERE outside. cant go out without a torch, and theyre more aggressive in packs from what i've seen, so the torch doesnt run them off. flail a torch at them and they just stand there growling at me, dont even flinch.

if i could make some arrows on the workbench using my hunting knife and some reclaimed wood, i could clear out the town with the bow. but i cant do that. so i have to face the harsh realization that when i run out of food and water, im eventually just gonna have to walk outside into a pack of wolves with my little hunting knife and pray i dont die.

but, that being said, i do adore the entire idea behind the forge. i think its a great feature. it just needs to be tweaked a little bit :)

I whole heartedly agree. I just posted about not being able to find the heavy hammer. Same boat, the bow makes the game here especially considering the limited number of bullets available. I can get more than three up close wolf kills before my arrow breaks as compared to firing 3 bullets. I save the bullets for the bear in most games and kill everything else with the bow and arrow.

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