xbox one wolf struggle


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just a quick question about the mechanics of the wolf struggles on the xb1. while in the struggle, do you do damage over time to the wolf, just as it does to you? like if i mash the button without filling up the struggle bar, will i eventually kill the wolf, without it running off? i know it runs off and eventually bleeds out, but i just find tracking them down and waiting for them to die irritating, especially when im starving and need the meat right then. thanks in advance for your replies :)

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Killing a wolf outright in struggle is rare, and will only occur with a full gauge. Chances vary with weapon used. Bare hands lowest, then knife, then pry bar, then hatchet,and hammer has highest chance of kill. Problem is, what weapon is used seems to be random and there is no way to choose weapon. Tracking a wolf usually isnt usually too hard if you start right away as they often double back toward you and you can just follow it until it drops or if you fell like wasting the ammo, you can just shoot it.

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Killing a wolf outright in struggle is rare, and will only occur with a full gauge. Chances vary with weapon used. Bare hands lowest, then knife, then pry bar, then hatchet,and hammer has highest chance of kill. Problem is, what weapon is used seems to be random and there is no way to choose weapon. Tracking a wolf usually isnt usually too hard if you start right away as they often double back toward you and you can just follow it until it drops or if you fell like wasting the ammo, you can just shoot it.

When you enter a wolf struggle your best weapon will be selected automatically for you. It shouldn't be random. And yes, it's more likely than not that the wolf will survive and run off.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Killing a wolf outright in struggle is rare, and will only occur with a full gauge. Chances vary with weapon used. Bare hands lowest, then knife, then pry bar, then hatchet,and hammer has highest chance of kill. Problem is, what weapon is used seems to be random and there is no way to choose weapon. Tracking a wolf usually isnt usually too hard if you start right away as they often double back toward you and you can just follow it until it drops or if you fell like wasting the ammo, you can just shoot it.

When you enter a wolf struggle your best weapon will be selected automatically for you. It shouldn't be random. And yes, it's more likely than not that the wolf will survive and run off.


What button do you press to utilize said weapon lol

Xbox one

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Killing a wolf outright in struggle is rare, and will only occur with a full gauge. Chances vary with weapon used. Bare hands lowest, then knife, then pry bar, then hatchet,and hammer has highest chance of kill. Problem is, what weapon is used seems to be random and there is no way to choose weapon. Tracking a wolf usually isnt usually too hard if you start right away as they often double back toward you and you can just follow it until it drops or if you fell like wasting the ammo, you can just shoot it.

When you enter a wolf struggle your best weapon will be selected automatically for you. It shouldn't be random. And yes, it's more likely than not that the wolf will survive and run off.


What button do you press to utilize said weapon lol

Xbox one

You mash the devil out of the A button. There is a meter at the bottom of the screen that fills as you mash. The fuller the meter ,the worse the wounds from bareky wounded to dead at your feet.

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