screen shot uploads?

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I may be in the wrong forum, so if I am, please redirect me... thank you.

Anyway, I am trying to upload a screenshot into the "share your screenshots" thread and each time I attach a file to upload all I get is the spinning wheel and a "waiting on Hinterland" message until the process times out.

I am I doing something wrong here? I generally follow directions pretty well, so I am confused if this is an issue from my end or maybe is it on the Hinterland side? Could my antivirus be the culprit? I suppose there could be there is lots of upload activity, but I attempting upload in the middle of the night when there are less than 10 people on the site.

Would appreciate anyone's help on this.


Back when I used to upload screenshots, I posted them to a third-party site (imgur), and utilized the "Insert Image" option at the top of the full post editor (the icon that looks like a little picture). This might be a more efficient method if you're having trouble with the upload form.

Though, if you're trying to upload a shot that you took using the F10 key, it is worth noting those images are HUGE. I always have to resize mine down to 1920x1080, or they take forever to go anywhere!

Also, I redirected your post to the off-topic section =)


Thank you Bethany!

Yes, I did use the F10 key, so I will try the resizing. I suppose that those images would have to be big considering the excellent detail quality in the image. Thanks again for such a quick response.


I finally got to do the resizing and it worked. If you have the time, you can check my six pics out on page 16 of the "Share your Screenshots" thread. Thanks again Bethany, for your direction on this.

  • 3 months later...

If you have a lot of screenshots, you could use a third party program to recompress the images, so they have smaller size, so other people with slow download speeds will not have to wait that long to view the images, e.g. paint.NET (and select file > save > .jpg and set the quality to about 80%), it also has decent image editing options / filters for being free, or Irfanview, which has barely any editing options, but is very fast / lightweight for viewing images (mouse wheel up / down, or cursor left / right to view throu the current folder, also save with file > save as > jpg. and save with about 80% quality). If you have many images to upload at once, you can use, click on multiupload, then just drag & drop the images on the surface. One of the fastest image hosters, and they allow hotlinking.


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