Harvesting wood should not take this long


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With a hatchet I can see chopping up a limb of a tree could take some time, but 45 minutes? Maybe, it's possible but I'd imagine it would take more like 10-20 minutes.

Breaking up a small branch with your bare hands should not take 10 minutes either, like 1 minute tops, in fact, you should just change it to the "harvesting" like with the mushrooms and rose bushes.

And finally, THERE IS NO WAY breaking down a bench with a hatchet would take me 2 hours in real life, no way at all, especially these dingy 3rd world country benches you have lying in these houses.

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LOL yeah it shouldn't take 45 min for 3 pieces should it. In fact I think if you are out there chopping wood it would take half that time. Which is what I think it should. The time should be in how far it is from your basecamp and the limit should be how many pieces are in the local area, not really that hard to budget for, right now the amount of wood I have in locations after 30 days isn't enough for me to feel comfortable. There is no way to spend a whole day anymore either making a cord pile of wood like when it was abstract.

I like the new system better but I want more wood from hitting the logs, and what then will happen after My hatchets are all gone? Is the only way to get a 2lb chunk of cedar and fir from smacking limbs now? Why not just let us pick up the branch and burn the branch? Why not let us pick up the limb and burn the limb?

The way this should be modeled is that it is harder to start a fire with huge pieces of wood and much easier with kindling and tinder and sticks. But TLD only wants to take realism half way to the detriment of game-play unfortunately.

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Have either of you ever tried chopping up a frozen tree limb with a hatchet (not an axe, a hatchet is much smaller)? I haven't so I wouldn't know how long that would take. I have tried splitting pieces of wood as thick as my wrist with a hatchet and that took forever. That may have been due to the fact that it was a cheap ass home depot garden hatchet and blunt as hell. But as that is my only reference so far, 15 minutes per piece of wood seems reasonable to me.

in fact, you should just change it to the "harvesting" like with the mushrooms and rose bushes.

Now that is a good idea! I've been a bit annoyed that it took me 10 min to break the branch and still have to pick up the 2 sticks. Also the fact that you have to click the harvest button in the bottom left corner is rather annoying. If you break several branches in a row, the cursor is centered in the screen every time and you need to move it to the bottom left corner, which is just a little too far away to do comfortably on a high resolution screen. Using the same mechanic as mushrooms and such would solve both issues.

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I don't have a problem with the limb harvesting taking 45 minutes, it seems pretty balanced but the branch taking 10 minutes is one of my biggest annoyances in the game right now. it is at the point where I don't even bother with branches because there are usually sticks around that I can pick up instantly. I agree with you guys that just changing it to harvest like the mushrooms would probably work well.

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