Gaining Strength


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It would be nice to see some way to gain strength added to the game. An idea I had was that maybe if you carried more than your limit in weight, over time you would gradually become use to it. It could be used to bump up the maximum weight you can carry, by say, an extra 5 or so pounds. It would require some hard work, because you would be really slow initially, and possibly unable to sprint at times, but the end goal would be worth it. Let me know what you all think! :)

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Not many people get stronger in a survival situation, most just get weaker. They may become acclimatized but that is about it.

Now if the devs added in a system where your stats could take a perma bump down then I think the reverse would be in order. Otherwise, I say leave it as is.

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I've posted this idea before but I think it should be related to your condition and the amount of protein you consume, adding another level of value to meat based foods in the game.

Naturally a man eating nothing but candy and granola is not going to be as fit as a man eating wolf and deer meat.

After a gradual period you could raise your weight carry limit by like 20-30%

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I'm not sure gaining strength would really change anything.

Like American Steel said, if you can gain some, you'd need to lose some whenever your health, calories or other conditions applies and overall, we'd probably end up losing more than gaining. Gaining strength would also take a long while, like many months, to even start to make a difference and except for hardcore players, i'm not sure most people play that long, but that part is debatable.

My point is, I don't think it would bring significant realism or fun to the game.

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