Wishlist after 110 days in Mystery lake.


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I'm plaing The Long Dark since oct'14. Thank you for such great game.

Here is some features I expirienced the hardest dificulty now:

Savegame exploits. Player can safely load game when see charging bear or wolf. By this saving bullets, arrows, drugs. Savegame system must be redone.

Savegame exploits. By reloading savegame player can adjust outside weather. Sometimes it gives a chance to player to avoid death from hunger.

Savegame exploits. Wolf bites player. Player get bleeding and infection. Press load player has only bleeeding. No infection. Free antiseptic.

Item "empty flare". What player should do with it? Harvest? No. Refil? No. So what's reasoning to give to player that item?

Pheasants and foxes. Where is it? All died? Senceless.

Player not even once get a very serious weapon a bolt action rifle. IRL human have a bigger oportunity to find shotgun as a weapon for smaller game.

Please add to game a shotgun with pellets hot and slug. Pelets shot at close distance must bring down a deer or wolf but that kind of hunt must destroy hide and have a penalty in a meat overall outcome. Slug is the same as rifle bullet but lacks accuracy and has a greater falloff.

There is must be item "Map of current region" (Map of Mystery lake). Why forestry lookout, hunter cabin and camp office dont have a simple paper map of their own work region? Senceless.

There is very complicated system of preserving items. There is different rules of decay for items: on floor, in locker, in carcase, in game spawned carcase. And many exeptions. Please add some tips at loading screens at least.


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I can understand your frustration with these things. As the game is supposed to be a one life save and re-loading seems like life cheating.

I agree with the map, if anything we should be able to make our own.

Foxes and pheasants would be awesome. Fox hat and more feathers for arrows.

Shotgun would be interesting. And maybe even a pistol for more defense than hunting.

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I used to think we needed map making option but as the maps are the same everytime I see no reason do introduce this.

I didn't realise that there was a save/load game exploit but then tbh I wouldn't even think to try it as if I die I die! So i guess it could be fixed but also it is just a choice in the style of game play you pursue.

Empty flare's are not completely useless. You can use them as markers for retracing your steps or marking a route you don't know etc. Also why should everything have a use after its primary function has been completed.

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There are some definitely "save/load" exploits, as long as your player has not been hurt then they can reload from their last save, which resets some features. I have seen some weather change on a reload and other times it did not. Why? Dunno. This same sort of exploit can be done by transitioning zones. Don't like the weather, leave and come back. Does it work all of the time, no. BUT, it could be the weather just happened to change on its own and I think it has something to do with a reload. I never knew a save game would take out infections, so I do agree that needs to be fixed.

I recall one "reload" exploit I used when a wolf was near the camp office. I was trying to shoot it with the bow and could not land the shot, so I reloaded. I JUST got the bow and as a newbie on shooting it. I reloaded about 10 times before I landed a shot. The weather pattern never changed. Maybe the presence of the wolf "synched" the weather. Dunno.

I like the used flares. I use them as "crumbs" at major junctures. Lets me quickly know the way back to a location. Others have suggest rose hips for the same purpose, which I like to use on major paths so I don't get lost in a blizzard.

I would also like to see a lot more animals, traps and weapon types. However, just adding in one new animal is a slew of work beyond a wire frame & skinning and vocals. That animal's AI has to be built and then ALL of the other animals AI has to be modified. A fox might just use Rabbit AI for the most part, but then like to kill rabbits. On that same line, I would like for the animals to have a chance at getting away. Anytime a wolf starts to run it is a death sentence for the prey. Let them get away now and again. I would also like see the introduction of avian predators, ie raptors. Having a raptor swoop down to take a rabbit would be cool. We could also attempt to raptors them as game animals, garnering meat and feathers. Lastly, predator animals need to be attracted to the existing corpses. They start to eat prey, get distracted and never return (which has also been discussed).

Preserving items is pretty straight forward, the decay rate is slowed in a container. Fresh meat decays faster than cooked meat. Once meat is cooked its condition is reset to some degree. Per-Collapse foods decay slower than other foods. Items do not begin to decay (except player killed animals) until the player touches them. So if you see a can of beans on a counter and you don't need it, leave it alone. Now we just need the devs to add in a way to freeze/smoke/salt items to keep them longer.

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In a single player game, is it really exploiting? You are only affecting yourself.

That is why games like Skyrim do not care if you mod yourself omnipotence. You can run around one-shotting npc's if that's what floats your boat.

You can also turn every dragon into Thomas the Tank Engine. It's pretty brilliant for about five minutes until you develop an irrational fear of children's trains.

Any save system can be exploited. I frequently reloaded my save in old Resident Evil games so I wouldn't have a death on my counter just by turning my Playstation off as I died. I've used the reload exploit in this game too to practice my archery like AmericanSteel, since I didn't want to waste my handful of arrows (I still suck at archery by the way). I've also never noticed a weather pattern change? But then again my runs have normally been pretty gentle on the weather.

I would still like to see the ability to "create" a map be implemented, simply because we could make markings on it or such. Also there ARE maps in the game, but they're not readable. There's a large one on the way to the lookout and I believe in the camp office.

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Yeah would be nice with a map in the camp office and similar buildings in other maps. (only one map per map). Then if u click on the map that hangs on the wall you get a weak overview of the area and a minipaint is available so u can make your own notes on the map.

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