Save Game Xbox one


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The absolute most important thing missing at this point for Xbox one is the inability to save my game. I know sleeping triggers an auto save but I can't access the auto save after I die. If I could save and access my saved games I could go beyond surviving and live out here.

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I can understand the consequence of permadeath in sandbox mode and I like the idea as it is serving as motivation to put some thought into your decisions but for me I think it limits the replayabilty since I am always starting over even if I don't die but I just need to shut my Xbox off for a while. I think after survival im looking to do things to contribute to sustainability but I can't do that without the ability to save my progress. Maybe that's not how this was intended to be played though... But then again it is a sandbox!

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How about this:

We don't have save files, but we can at least tell the game when to save. That way, before we have to close down the game, we don't have to wait for an auto save. It's rather annoying when you've been walking outside for a long while, and it doesn't auto save.

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I didn't know entering a building triggers a save too so that's good. I guess the only other issue related to this topic that exists is the ability to save multiple games. You can only have one game saved at a time which seems to be unnecessarily limiting. I'm guessing that this will be fixed though once the other maps are made available so that you would be able to have progress in your sandbox game saved in every map.

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I'm guessing that this will be fixed though once the other maps are made available so that you would be able to have progress in your sandbox game saved in every map.

You can freely move between maps, so unlocking them only affects your choice of where you spawn when you start a new game, choices which become unlocked when you discover the maps.

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