Quarbani 79

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Prepper (3/4)



  1. Ok thanks for the info. I'll just crack on with sandbox
  2. Have any of these patches hit the Xbox yet? Can't believe steam is on patch 3 and Xbox hasn't had any as far as I'm aware
  3. Better to stop the blood loss first as that will kill you quicker than an infection. Then you can move to a safer spot before healing the infection as sometimes you may get attacked again whilst you're probably panicking in the multiple first aid menus
  4. Don't weigh yourself down by carrying lots of tinder. You can break a stick down for two tinder and you can find wood everywhere. The amount of new streamers I see carrying 10 books and newsapaper rolls and wonder why they are encumbered
  5. A few of my favourite shots from my current adventure.. the bear dying on my doorstep was very lucky