Smoother weather transitions


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I would love to see a lot smoother / slower weather transitions. You are happily walking throu the snow, minding your own business, and then - BAM - fog, that is so dense, that you can only see 10m.... :D Especially the moment, when fog is over is the worst. Just make all transitions a lot smoother, and maybe give the whiteout weather a % change to be a bit faster than the other transitions (there is surprisingly fast white outs, right?).

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Yeah, that would be nice :)

I just visited a fishing lodge in the middle of the lake at noon (weather was sunny and calm), left it after about 3 seconds and there was a blizzard, fog, and about 25C less than before :lol:

Sorry for my bad english!

Greez from Austria,


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I think smoother transitions might involve (or be solved by) creating additional weather conditions.

Instead of having a single "fog" weather condition, they might add "light fog" and create system requirements that "light fog" has to come before "fog". They might also determine that that "fog" must always be followed by "light fog" or "howling winds".

While I hate getting stuck inside while waiting for adverse weather to end, I do think the highly changeable weather conditions add something to the game, and may be explained by the geomagnetic event.

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I very much support this suggestion, +1! :)

Yeah, that would be nice :)

I just visited a fishing lodge in the middle of the lake at noon (weather was sunny and calm), left it after about 3 seconds and there was a blizzard, fog, and about 25C less than before :lol:

The same happened to me various times now.

I understand that being surprised by a blizzard is one of the few lethal environment factors in the game, and thus is an important game aspect that needs to be preserved.

However, a change from a windless sunny day to a blizzard within two seconds is nothing but weird. A Blizzard should always be announced by a cloudy sky and wind. I wouldn't mind if this blizzard precursor phase only lasted for 5-10 seconds because of game balancing issues, but it would feel much more realistic for me if it existed at all.

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Without creating additional weather conditions, a simpler way of helping the player in this regard would be for our character to announce that he suspects a blizzard / fog is on it's way. At least giving you a minute to point yourself in the direction of somewhere warm. I almost died last night wandering around mystery lake after the fog crept up on me. There was unbelievable cursing at the time until I got lucky and found the road. I couldn't remember in which direction I had entered the fishing hut...

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