Coastal Highway spawn

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I think the map that @Semple Fi attached is missing the symbols for spawn locations. I'm not going to try to reattach the map with the locations, but in CH you can spawn: Silent Clearing, JR island, Rockfall, the river between Rockfall and Bear Creek Campground (very near the bear spawn). Have fun!

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I really like CH as my start point. I always want a specific Coastal House with the flag above the porch because the other large house is too dark inside. To punish me for this desire, TLD will usually spawn me on the creek and I have to run all the way freezing while stopping to loot some gloves or a toque or anything to keep frostbite away. Only to find my desired house is burned to the ground! Often takes me about 5 or 6 tries to get that house and from that point on I don't restart ever and I just put up with whatever abuse TLD will pile on me.

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I usually do a random spawn and play from there, so I've only gotten the Bear Creek one on Coastal Highway (poss. more than once)


(Sito -- Definitely my favorite house (of all, in the whole game). I get so bummed if it's burned out.)

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