Trekking from Coastal to Silent Valley


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I wonder if someone else thinks it's hard to navigate in the south woods of Silent Valley.

The hill in Coastal Highway up to the cave is kind of long and you take quite a temperature hit while making the transition to Silent Valley.


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There are a few shortcuts from lower to upper coastal mine.. they're not very obvious so you can miss them .. adding another rope to the lookout tower saves a bit of a trek too..  

But PV can be a bit daunting until you get used to it..  it's a big map so worth getting to know better.

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The route from the transition cave exit out of Coastal Highway down to Thompson's Crossing in Pleasant Valley can be tricky.  I commonly have a lit torch in hand and three more in inventory for torch chaining.  If it is too windy I wait at the top in the transition cave before venturing down.

Like Leeanda noted the two ropes up to the Lookout Tower give you a place to warm up and rest prior to pushing on to the cave route leading from Coastal Highway to Pleasant Valley.  The route from the Lookout Tower to the transition cave usually is patrolled by one wolf. My preferred route is the upward slope from the lower coastal mine to the upper coastal mine - being sure to have the mid point trailer already stocked with food and water for rest and warming up.

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