The Ghosts of All That Was


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The day has finally arrived to make my expedition into the Far Territory...

However, first I had to get past a pack of wolves. :D
I counted four wolves in the Maintenance Yard again this morning.
Also, I love that from here I can see the Mystery Lake Hunting Loge off in the distance.

...and now I take my first steps into unknown territory.





Already a gorgeous overlook...

Seems this bridge led me to a dead end... unless I could find a rope. 🤔

Cute... :D  As they say, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Also, this makes the third prybar I've found this afternoon. :D

I didn't really want to fuss with the rope... so I deployed it but instead decided to head back into the tunnel.
So far as I could tell, it's just one wolf.  It shouldn't be a problem as long as I keep tabs on where it wanders.

This was a bit of a close call... but I managed to remain undetected.  Now that I'm in the Far Territory... I am "Weapons Free" (free to use my weapons at will, I mean), but I still don't want to needlessly expend ammunition.

I decided to explore near Oddment Falls, however no cave or hidden nook this time.

Just making sure I make a mental note of the way back.

It was getting on into the evening... so I figured I'd at least try to make it to the end of this cave system before I bed down for the evening.

I decided not to even peek my head out... I'll safe that surprise for tomorrow.
For now, it was time for a good night sleep.  I was absolutely exhausted.


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Every step I take... takes me deeper into the unknown.

I didn't hear a blizzard outside, but I was still dragging a rather heavy pack.  I took a few minutes to do a quick sort & stow.  I didn't plan on leaving a cache here, but for now I would leave these things behind for the sake better mobility.

I decided to check out the rockslide first.  It seems like everything here in the Far Range Branch Line are blind corners.  I'd have to explore slowly and carefully.

Good to know... it looks like there's a short cut back towards Broken Railroad. 

Heading back towards the cave, I follow the railroad tracks and make my way further up the line.
It took me a long while to scout this area, so many blind spots to checkout.  It was probably two hours to make sure there wasn't a wolf around so I could stand up and explore properly. :D 

Now this is what I was looking for!  This would make a much better spot for a primary encampment.  I invested the time to go back to the cave system to pick up all that was lift behind in order to get set up here at Remnant Cave.

20240716223926_1.thumb.jpg.30a92654d4c8f2af4a009cf8c1373104.jpg20240716223935_1.thumb.jpg.2fe8f0a7ea8becd66ffc9a83d482e4f0.jpgThere wasn't much daylight left... but I still at least wanted to scout the way ahead.

I soon came upon the Freighthopper's Rockfall and a second long dark tunnel...

As I was making my way back from the tunnel entrance, a blizzard hit.  I opted to head back to Remnant Cave for hole-up for the night.

The going is slow at the moment... but exploring a region for the first time warrants caution.  I spent the rest of the evening working to leave a small stockpile of water behind.  This will also yield some charcoal so I can do some proper surveying tomorrow.



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I kept comfortably warm Remnant Cave, and got a midmorning start on the day.  I decided I would salvage what charcoal I could and do some surveying.  I decided to only go back as far as Foundered Track and start there.  I only had four pieces to work with, so I did a quick survey at Foundered Track, Platelayers Shortcut (topside), Steely Chasm, and Freighthopper's Rockfall.
The map still looked a rather rough... but it was already approaching noon, and I decided to get a move on through the dark tunnel ahead.  I wasn't happy with the map, but I decided I could see about tidying it up when I'm on the way back out.

The tunnel was deadly dark.  The darker it got, the more I started to see the trade off with this lantern... but I still can't say no to the fuel efficiency, so I'd have to sort of strafe and feel my way ahead while scanning either side of the tracks in the off chance I could find something.

I probably spent longer than I should have prospecting the wreckage (especially considering, all I found was two pieces of coal).

Eventually, I came out the other side.  This must be Transfer Pass...


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I didn't like not being able to see the way ahead... I didn't hear any wolves, but I'd come across sneaky wolves before.  Instead of just slowly crawling forward to scout ahead, I decided to do some experimental goating. :D 

Having found some good vantage points... the way ahead seemed clear.

Off to the right, it almost looks like a trail... I'll come back that in a while.

Feedwater Cave had a few nice surprises, but for the most part it's good stuff to leave behind.

Back up what looked like a trail earlier... seems to have led to an overlook.  It almost looks like I could maybe goat down... but it looks treacherous, so perhaps I'd look into that tomorrow.

Further ahead, it looks like a water tower... 🤔

At first, I didn't trust the ice on Loitering Marsh... but after some testing, it seems firm enough.  I also saw what looked like a back trail... I had to head back across the marsh to check it out.

However, it turned out to be another dead end.

It did afford me some nice goating opportunities though.

Before heading closer to the Water Tower... I did want to check out the other side of the Marsh.
What looked like another trail... just lead to the Conductor's Dropoff.  Turns out this was part of the overlook I'd found earlier.  I did try a little goating to see if I could get up over these rocks, but I couldn't find any good footing.  Moving on.




I decided to head back to Feedwater Cave and pick up the things I'd left behind and move it here instead.

As the daylight faded... the sky started to take on a rather eerie green fog.

After returning to the water tower... I decided that I'd make my primary encampment for the area here at Vale Station.

I'll do a quick sort & stow in the morning.  For now, I'd take full advantage of this surprisingly cozy place to sleep.


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It was nearly noon by the time I got started this morning.  Organizing Vale Station took time.


I followed the tracks along the road and apparently found the way to the Langston Mine.  I think I also a way goat up and beyond the collapsed roadway... I opted to finish exploring Transfer Pass before following this much further.

Following the road this time (heading back towards Vale Station), I found the road forks off in two more directions.



20240720154026_1.thumb.jpg.93fb801564b35acc891d08d245bfde7b.jpgI also found another improvised knife. 🤔

...part of me really wants to see if I can shimmy down and crawl through the conveyor, but I have a feeling that would be a one-way trip.  As tempted as I was to test it... I do not want to be stuck and left to starve to death.

Following the nearest curve back, I came upon another tunnel.  However, this one was severely collapsed.  I decided I would try and crawl through some other time.  As I came back around... I found a climbing rope leading up a cliff face.  I was a bit too tired to want to try it today.  Besides, I did still want to finish exploring the area first.

I kept along the ridge line looking for more caves... I didn't find any between two stretches of roads.

I'd come back to explore the back-trail on the left... first I'd follow the road to the right.

Seems this road also leads deeper into the Territory.  I think this will be the route I will explore first... but for now, I still want to finish off the day exploring the back-trail that I think I spotted early by the truck.

I was indeed back-trail, and while it did seem to lead to a dead-end...

It also led to some beautiful overlooks from Broad Aerie with a gorgeous view of Loitering Marsh and the Vacant Depot.

Already exhausted... I then made my way back to Vale Station to bed down for the night.


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I decided to go back to a couple of areas I'd been careful to explore more fully.

First was the Coal Loader...
I thought I'd spotted this "side door" and assumed it must be the way out I was concerned about yesterday. :D 






Next was the climbing rope...
This back trail felt like it just went on and on forever. :D
Eventually it seems to be leading out to yet another region, but for now it was time head back to Vale Station.


Having more fully explored Transfer Pass, I'd spend the rest of the day resting up.

Tomorrow, I will pick a route to another region.


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I'd managed an early start... but the weather wasn't looking very favorable.
Interesting that I hadn't found this before...  Well, at least I know for sure where I'm headed now. :D

The weather still didn't look very promising... but if necessary, I could camp out in a vehicle somewhere along the road.

20240721175043_1.thumb.jpg.2cd0d3e2ddf1b74d20bf0e480c47e02c.jpgThankfully, as I made my way closer to the next region, the skies cleared.

It was looking like a fine morning to begin prospecting my way across the Forsaken Airfield.



It was quite a trek along that oppressively claustrophobic stretch of road... bit looked like it was finally about to open out.

I'm not sure I was entirely mentally prepared for the sight of the sheer expanse of what lay ahead of me.
I stood there a while, just trying to make out as many details as I could.  Clearly, I have a lot of ground to cover.

I eventually snapped out of it... and continued on along the road.  However, as I did, I noticed a fog had started rolling in.
I did eventually come to an out of the way cave.  If I didn't find anything better before dark... I decided I would come back here to hole-up for the night.




The fog seemed to be getting denser.

Then... there was an odd sent that smelled a bit like ozone hanging in the air... almost like the few moments before a lightning strike.  This must be the "Glimmer Fog"... I'd heard stories about it. 🤔

Rather than press on ahead when I wouldn't be able to really see the way ahead... I opted to fall back to out of the way cave on the roadside.  The glimmer fog already had me feeling a bit off... I was hoping that the cave might be a sufficient shelter, but not from the fog.  Rather than wait through it, I decided to get what sleep I could.

...I woke sometime after midnight.  It sounds like a blizzard outside. 


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The blizzard raged on for the rest of the night... I did my best to tank the storm, but sometime around sunrise I started to freeze and had to get a campfire going.  The blizzard was showing no signs of slowing...


Midmorning - storm still going strong.

Noon - The storm has been raging for more than 16 hours at this point.  I began to accept that I may be snowed in for the entire day.

Around 3 p.m. - The storm finally seemed to be blowing itself out.

By around 4 p.m. the weather had finally cleared.  There wasn't much time left in the day... but I had to make a push try and cover some ground.
The road eventually opened out again.  There would be no back tracking this time.  I was going to keep pressing on until I found another place to make an encampment.

Thankfully, there seemed to be a trailer just ahead.  However, I did also find a reasonable looking goating opportunity.  I decided to scout the area first before heading down the road.

There turned out to be nothing up here... but it did provide a nice overlook.

At this point I opted to head back to the road.

Apparently, I'd come across a Junker's Paddock...






This would absolutely be where I'd hole-up for the night.



20240724212846_1.thumb.jpg.738653441586f8f6fe369eb65cae434a.jpgThis was a fortunate find.  The Prybar I've had on hand was getting really shabby (25% condition), it may be time to trade up. :D 

I'd found a few nice items, but for the most part I'd just do a thorough sort & stow before bedding down for the night.

I may not have made much progress today... but I still feel rather good about it. :D 


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On 7/24/2024 at 11:28 PM, ManicManiac said:

I'd come across a Junker's Paddock...

🤔 I can't deny it...  Even though I haven't spent much time there yet, there is just something about the Junker's Paddock that I kind of just love.


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I managed to get up sometime midmorning...

Seemed I had a path on the left and a path on the right.  Considering the path on the right was the roadway... I decided to check out the backtrail to the left first.

I found a reasonable goating opportunity or two... but there wasn't really much to be found out this way.

The backtrail that was heading off to the left really seems to have just led back around to the roadway. 

I crossed the road and explored my way back up the far side slope... but it (as expected) lead back around to the Junker's Paddock.

I got back to the roadway... and again found I had a backtrail to scout out before continuing further down the road.

The fog was also getting very dense rather quickly.

It seems I'd found a cave...

Oh... it was as much deeper cave than it had first appeared.

This Stony Passage passed by a rather gorgeous spot nestled behind a waterfall.



The fog was still horribly dense... so I opted to head back to the roadway.

I did a little bit of searching around along the roadway... but I caught a faint howl off in the distance.  Rather than risk feeling my way forward, I decided to wait out the fog.

I returned to the Stony Passage.
If the fog lifts, I'll continue on... but if not, then I'd hunker down right here for the night.


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The fog did eventually lift... however, there was not much daylight left when it had finally abated.

I decided to head back to the far side and take a look at where the Stony Passage led to.

Then I opted to head back to the roadway and try to scout around a little more.

This was the view back towards the falls that the Stony Passage runs behind.

I'd also found this backtrail that would appear to lead down to the frozen river (but honestly, it looks like a one-way trip down).  Moving on.


Again I find that I had another backtrail (this time off to the right) to investigate.

However, this ended up being another round-about path that ultimately led back to the roadway.

Sun was setting, and I hadn't spotted another good spot to hole-up for the night.  Considering the previous blizzard, I wasn't keen on being caught out in the open.  I did find some signage indicating that the roadway splitting off to the right would lead me to the old airstrip... but I also caught site of a wolf (and heard at least two more howling), so I opted to head back to Stony Passage.

I'm honestly unsure if I should be heading towards the Airstrip... or if I should start exploring the other side of the river first.  I suppose I'll think on it some more and make that decision tomorrow.


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This was my second night sleeping in the Stony Passage.  The weather seemed clear (if a bit chilly :D), so I was determined not to spend a third night there.

By all accounts, it was a gorgeous morning. :) 

I got back to the roadway, this time... whatever it takes, I'm going to make progress today.  I was fairly certain that I spotted some building there between the trees just off in the distance.  I had been closer to the Airfield than I had thought.

I did a little more scouting trying various vantages along the river.  I confirmed the airfield was indeed close by, and also a bridge that would lead off to the left and get on the other side of the river.

Now that I knew for sure where the airfield was in relation to the river... I decided I would head left and begin scouting the vast expanse on the other side of the bridge.

I soon found my way to the area I'd spotted from the far end of the Stony Passage.  I took advantage of some reasonable goating to see if I could find any more nooks or hide-aways.  Though I didn't find any, I did find several ways to more easily get down to the river.  However, that would need to wait for another time.  For now, I needed to cover more ground... and find another shelter for later on tonight.

...That mountain side is just gorgeous, so I had just had to take the time find a good shot of it. :D 

Hmm... sky seemed hazy to be getting a bit hazy. 🤔

A dense fog started rolling in fast... I started sticking to the larger rock formations and focused on following the ridgeline.  It wouldn't be long before it would become very difficult to feel my way ahead.

I had had a narrow window to turn back... but I pressed on.  I suddenly realized that a glimmer fog had descended on the region.  I kept taking any opportunity I could find to goat up a little higher.

I was starting to feel like I'd made a mistake.  The fog had gotten rather dense, and I was already starting to feel strange and restless.  I was already getting both very lost in the fog, and deeper into the risks the come along with the eerie glimmer. 😖

I kept fumbling my way along the ridgeline, goating higher and higher every chance I got.  I was getting more concerned that I may not find a shelter at all... that I would end up stranded out in the open for the night.   What made it worse was the almost eldritchly nauseated anxiousness I was feeling... like I wouldn't be able to sleep. 😖

I did eventually come across some Ptarmigans... but that didn't make me feel any better.  The risk of this glimmer fog where mounting.  All I knew is that I was still following the ridgeline, but other than that... I was utterly lost.

I kept pressing onward, and thankfully I stumbled on a cave. :D 




It seems I wasn't the only one to have taken shelter here recently.  I can only hope I fare better than this unfortunate soul.

I quickly made my way to very back of the cave... hoping I might be able to get out of the reach of the glimmer fog.  I tried laying down for a quick nap, hoping that I might shake off whatever the fog was doing to me.



...but to no avail.  I felt certain I was afflicted with insomnia. 😖

There was really nothing left for me to do... I'd have to wait out the night here.  I would be foolish to try and stumble around in the fog at night trying to find yet another shelter.  I'd have to dig in and try to make the best of things right here.

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The glimmer fog did last the remainder of the day.  The insomnia did indeed make me feel rather restless... but I found I could still get by taking short naps.


I did also find out the hard way, that if we really need to power sleep for 10 hours through insomnia... getting food poisoning does work.  However, it's a miserable time. :D

I should be able to shake off the insomnia in another 19 hours or so.

In the meantime, I did need to at least try and get my bearings.
As it turns out this was "Grip's Cave..."

I'd finally managed to figure out where I was in relation to where I'd started when the fog rolled in.  I was near the base of the rock formation just down below (on the left), but somehow I'd managed to feel my way up and back around.  I was fortunate indeed to have stumbled across Grip's Cave at all then. :D 

As I was trying to scout around a bit more (trying both to see if I could find my way back down and/or see if might press on ahead to look for another shelter) but the weather had other plans.

The snowfall escalated rather quickly... rather than take an unnecessary risk (so soon after the last one :D), I opted to head back to Grip's Cave.
And that was really for the best, as a blizzard hit soon after.


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Because of course a blizzard would hit right after the glimmer fog. :D 






20240803103242_1.thumb.jpg.3e9915a2bcf3b08272163ceea66e40d5.jpgIt was around noon when, I was able to start maintaining my own body heat...  With the strategic use of resting/passing time with the bed roll, I was able to tank the blizzard without a fire. :D 

Even well into the afternoon, the blizzard has continued to rain down its fury.
I'm starting to get the feeling that this storm might last the entire day.


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Thankfully the blizzard finally blew itself out... but I wouldn't have much time before nightfall.  I had to decide quickly whether or not to stay put for the night or make a hard push to look for another shelter.

I chose risk. :D 

This very small crawl space would be a perfect spot to hunker down in an emergency.  I will have to try and remember to come back here to mark the exact location in my journal some other time.


I decided to continue following the ridgeline.  Usually, the reasonable goating opportunities just led to dead ends...

...but occasionally I found a minor shortcut.


All worth it when I found points of interest... I was tempted to head off into the expanse check out the nearby pond.  However, what I needed to focus on was finding a shelter.  I'm not keen on the idea of getting caught sleeping out in the open... at least not until I get to know the terrain better.

This felt to me like there should be a climbing rope here... moving on.

I thought I had found a cave to maybe hole-up in... but I was very incorrect.  What I did find, was a bear's den.

Yet another apparent goating opportunity... so far, they'd all come to nothing, but that doesn't mean I don't continue scouting every single one I find. :D 

And a good thing too...
At the top of that slope is a small shelf with another slope leading back up and seemingly back around.

A few wolves to be mindful of... duly noted.

I followed the upper shelf back towards the frozen pond and the suspected climbing point I'd found early.  As it turned out, I was correct... there was a climbing point above where I'd thought it might be.

Further back on this upper shelf I found an interesting recess... the "Sudden Washout."

I was relieved to find a cave down at the bottom.  Now at least I have assurances of a shelter for the night.

It was about time for me to get a fire going... my water supply was running low.

I would spend the rest of the evening here and bed down for the night.

Given the weather recently, this push was very much a risky venture.  I'm thankful it paid off. :D 

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I woke up very early this morning to find an aurora... a bit risky, given the few wolves nearby, but risked it anyway.
I missed out on finding a good vantage to see the airfield all lit up... oh well, perhaps another time.

I met back up with the road again.  When I saw where it ultimately led, I have to admit I fell in love with the location. :D 



I absolutely love this place.

I decided to spend the rest of the day scouting this end of the upper shelf.


Just as I was finishing up and found another climbing point... glimmer fog came rushing in alarmingly fast.
It was a bit disorienting... and after a short time I was beginning to question if I was losing track where I was.

Thankfully, I was able to feel my way back to the Mindful Cabin.

Considering I wouldn't be able to escape the fog... I decided I would spend the rest of the day here.  Which was fine with me. :D 

I wasn't sure I'd ever find another spot that I loved as much as I do Crystal Lake and the Mountaineer's Hut... but I have.

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My stunning view is gone (thanks to the Glimmer Fog)... and insomnia is upon me again.😆
Thankfully, insomnia isn't nearly as rough as Cabin Fever. 😋

However, insomnia does have at least one nice perk.
I've spent more time admiring the nighttime beauty of the Far Territories of Great Bear Island.

Tomorrow, I'd like to at least go visit that frozen pond.  From the Mindful Cabin's vista, I think I spotted a downed rescue helicopter down there.





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The frequency of Glimmer Fog, has been a bit alarming...  I guess this means that will need to beat-feet as soon as the fog abates.  I'd really like to start scouting the expanse of the interior of the region.  I'd like to at least get as far as that frozen pond, at the next possible chance. 🤔


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Sometime in the afternoon, the fog finally lifted.  It was time to get a move on. :D 

🎶On the road again...🎶


I do still want to come back to scout the lower part of the ridge line below Mindful Cabin, but that would have to wait for another day...

I counted four deer in this herd... duly noted.



Oh nice!  Nearly a complete set!
However, I ultimately decided I'd keep this distress pistol and its shells here with the 'choppa.
I think this would make an excellent secondary encampment in the event I ever needed a spot to hole-up for a night.  Not only does it have a bed... but also, I found a couple of good spots that I can get away with building a campfire inside, if need be.

From atop the downed rescue helicopter, I had rather good vantage point.



Interesting little nook... also a good place to hole-up.  This little frozen pond is full of surprises. :D

Another fog started rolling in...
Also... is that chimney I see off in the distance?

It was indeed, but also seemed to be home to a few wondering wolves.

I followed along the shore of the frozen pond a while (just in case the fog decided to get denser... I didn't want to lose track of my best potential shelter for the night). 

I found this nice rock formation; I figured it would be a good intermediate reference point so I could scout around a bit further afield.

I did end up spotting what appeared to be another shelter out there in the fog.
I was correct. :D



Also, just as a means to keep my bearings (again, in case the fog decided to get worse)... This doorway points directly back to that rock formation that was right on the shore of the frozen pond.

Further off in the distance, I could make out the shoreline of the nearby frozen lake (also another sizeable herd of deer).  However, I'd ranged far enough... it was just about time to take cover for the night.

I'd made my way back to the frozen pond... I decided I would bed make camp in the downed rescue helicopter (there to my right) and if things got really dicey, I could slide over to the nearby shallow cave (there to my left).  I spent the remainder of the evening gathering up sticks and breaking down branches by hand.

Somehow it just seemed very appropriate for the rescue helicopter to be my salvation for the night. :D 


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I got up sometime midmorning, and I was already losing warmth.  I decided to try and tank the cold, and head out again for the lake.

I found a pack of four wolves prowling around near the shore of Sholder Lake... I'd have to be careful making my way out the downed plane ahead.

There was also a bear ambling around near the opposite shore... duly noted.




I got inside for a bit, to try and warm up a little... but that's all it was good for (a very little :D).

Further up along the shoreline, I did also come across this poor soul and his campsite.

Beyond that, I spotted a fishing hut out on the ice... and a second pack of four wolfs skulking around near it.



This herbal tea will come in handy this evening... I was already nearly half frozen to death. 😖

I was able to scout around some more, and found the other climbing point, but with no rope there it wouldn't do my any good for right now.  Trying to tank the cold had been risky... but thankfully sometime around noon it had warmed up just enough for me to start warming up again.  At least now I could take my time to really scout around more thoroughly.

Sticking close to the shore, I did a little bit of goating to see if I could get a better vantage point.  There to my left, I spotted a waterfall, another fishing hut, and what looked like a footpath leading up to the small island just ahead.  However, I also saw what looked like another footpath leading between two rock formations over to my right.  Now, the more sensible thing to do would probably to head to my left...

But instead, I decided to check out the less certain path that had been on my right. :D 

There did indeed appear to be a foot path.

However, it didn't appear to lead to anything significant.  I decided to goat around a bit and see if I could find anything more.

I found that right around the next "bend" was a rather nice little cove.

The wind had kicked up again... so I was both hungry and freezing, but at least I found what looked like another way up to the small island.

I started to make my way into a cave that seemed to be leading upward.

The way out the other side looked like it was a narrow squeeze. :D 

It turned out that the cove and the cave had led right up to the Drift Island Cabin.




I took a look around before going inside.  On the workbench in the shed outside, I left behind a good set of standard tools, heavy hammer, hacksaw, hunting knife, and hatchet.  I'm sure future me will appreciate it. :D 

Before going inside the cabin, I decided to have a little look around Drift Island.
Crows... must be something of interest nearby.

As I continued looking around, I caught a nice view of the falls off in the distance... but as I snapped a picture, they'd almost completely disappeared.  A fog was rolling in fast.

As it turned out, it was more Glimmer Fog.😖  Oh well, it was about time to head inside anyway.







I was exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and now more than half frozen to death (I was in pretty rough shape)... but I spent the time necessary to do a thorough sort & stow.

By the time I was finished, it seemed as though the glimmer fog had abated.
I stepped out on the porch/balcony and got to see the fog swiftly vanish in real-time.
And then, treated to another lovely sight.

I went inside, ate, drank my herbal tea, and bedded down for the night.

It had been a rough day... but my gosh, it turned out to be a really rewarding day. :D 

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You know, I rather like Drift Island.
A cabin on the lake... very nice :) 

Although, I suppose considering how much I love the Mountaineer's Hut on Crystal Lake, I guess it wouldn't surprise anyone. :D 

Edited by ManicManiac
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