Zone Of Contamination - First Visit Impressions

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WARNING: Spoilers for the Zone of Contamination region!

Eager to jump into the new region, I was surprised to see that after the first part of the tale, I had somehow set up camp in TWM. So I had a looong trek to get back out to the Far Territories. Finally managed it last night and gave the new Langston Mine its first look. Ooo boy this is exactly how I hoped it would be! The toxic areas are pretty easy to see in clear weather. Waste barrels lying around, greenish vapour wafting off them. Damaged trees. And a green effect that creeps into the 4 corners of your screen when you're in it. At first this made it straightforward to avoid these toxic pools. That is... until the sun started going down and a glimmer fog started rolling in. I stumbled around almost blind, choking on toxic gas, until feeling my way along a fence I found a trailer. Scary!!

I'm really glad that the toxic areas can be detected in good conditions. It makes it a fun new challenge to feel your way along the edge of these areas and to search out alternate routes. Just don't get chased by a wolf into a green cloud!

Luckily any toxic exposure fades over time if you stay away from it. I definitely noticed a bit of damage to my boots.

The new toxic wolves are fantastic. I noticed right away that they detect me from farther away and jump right into an aggressive approach. No timid following and growling for these wolves! Luckily I brought pockets and pockets full of revolver ammo to cull these poor mangy creatures. I like that if you click to harvest them, there's just flat out no meat to be had. No easy meals after defeating predators. I've yet to see if the deer in the area are similarly toxic and meatless.

I did find a very complex cave that I didn't know was the transition to Forsaken Airfield, got lost exploring that and found some goodies. When I realized this was bringing me to another region I had to head all the way back! Another player who suggested bringing lots of spray cans to mark your way through caves was brilliant - good strategy.

Arrived at the main building and wow this sure is a huge structure!! Been slowly making my way up the levels and looting everything. This is a LOT of fun!

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