How do I use the rifle?


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I know it's R to reload, RMB to aim and LMB to shoot but when I press the LMB when I've got a deer in my sights, nothing happens! What am I doing wrong? The rifle isn't at 100% so perhaps it doesn't work but I'd have thought a message might have popped up to tell me that?

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You're able to use a rifle all the way down to 0% condition, at which it "breaks" like all other tools in the game. It loses 1% condition every time it is fired, with or without ammo.

You likely do not have any rounds or bullets in your inventory when you are trying to load/re-load the weapon. When in rifle aim mode after hitting the RMB, you hit the LMB to actually fire the round. If you did not have a round in the chamber, you hear a click denoting that the gun tried to fire a round, but none was in the chamber. Hit R then to load a round if you have one in your inventory. Doing so also brings up two numbers seperated by a colon, something like 10:5, 10 being the maximum number of rounds you're able to pre-load into the magazine (ammo hold chamber), and 5 being the extra number of rounds you have in your inventory.

In other words, when you loot a gun, it's most often empty of bullets (I remember one run in which the gun I picked up had 5 rounds in it already, but was the only time I've seen that and it stands out as being strange). Most often you'll need to loot some bullets before the rifle becomes worth carrying.

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Actually, I had an issue like this yesterday-- Aimed at a rapidly closing wolf, clicked to fire and nothing happened (except teeth and slobber).

It was my first load up since the update, so maybe that had something to do with it.. Haven't tried to fire again yet.

edit: yes, it was loaded.

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Is there a way to unload the rifle?

I was recently in the rare situation that I had a rifle, then found another rifle in better condition. But all of the rounds were already loaded into my first rifle, so I had to leave the second rifle behind.

I can always come back to it later, I guess, but the more regions I cross the more annoying that will become.

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I didn't want to destroy either rifle, I wanted to take the rifle in better condition with me and leave the other behind as a cache. But it seems that once you load a rifle, it is impossible to recover your bullets.

Maybe the "R" button could unload the rifle if pressed when the character has no more ammo to put in the rifle? Cartridges might be dropped on the ground.

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I know it's R to reload, RMB to aim and LMB to shoot but when I press the LMB when I've got a deer in my sights, nothing happens! What am I doing wrong? The rifle isn't at 100% so perhaps it doesn't work but I'd have thought a message might have popped up to tell me that?

Just one thing I am curious about,brassmonkey.Do you,maybe,play game on laptop? And have long button for LMB+RMB? If that is the case,then LMB won`t work,as it is blocked with RMB.I play on laptop,too and I had same problems,not able to perform shoot with LMB.Then I just changed LMB button to Alt,so I could perform shoot.But,it was causing me uncomfortable playing,so I rather use wireless mouse for playing game,where I have divided LMB and RMB.

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Actually, I had an issue like this yesterday-- Aimed at a rapidly closing wolf, clicked to fire and nothing happened (except teeth and slobber).

It was my first load up since the update, so maybe that had something to do with it.. Haven't tried to fire again yet.

edit: yes, it was loaded.

Hmm, interesting. Maybe they stealth added a chance to miss fire with low condition rifles? Would make sense, low condition being comparative to one not well maintained. I'll keep an eye out.

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You're able to use a rifle all the way down to 0% condition, at which it "breaks" like all other tools in the game. It loses 1% condition every time it is fired, with or without ammo.

You likely do not have any rounds or bullets in your inventory when you are trying to load/re-load the weapon. When in rifle aim mode after hitting the RMB, you hit the LMB to actually fire the round. If you did not have a round in the chamber, you hear a click denoting that the gun tried to fire a round, but none was in the chamber. Hit R then to load a round if you have one in your inventory. Doing so also brings up two numbers seperated by a colon, something like 10:5, 10 being the maximum number of rounds you're able to pre-load into the magazine (ammo hold chamber), and 5 being the extra number of rounds you have in your inventory.

In other words, when you loot a gun, it's most often empty of bullets (I remember one run in which the gun I picked up had 5 rounds in it already, but was the only time I've seen that and it stands out as being strange). Most often you'll need to loot some bullets before the rifle becomes worth carrying.

Rifle is loaded, round is chambered but still will not fire. Not even a click to indicate it has tried to fire.

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brassmonkey,you still didn`t answer my question.Do you play on laptop,or on computor? Maybe there is simple solution,just need to know,what device you use to play game. :)

If you play on laptop,as I do also,then I know,where your problem is.If you play on PC,then there must be something else.

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brassmonkey,you still didn`t answer my question.Do you play on laptop,or on computor? Maybe there is simple solution,just need to know,what device you use to play game. :)

If you play on laptop,as I do also,then I know,where your problem is.If you play on PC,then there must be something else.

I know it's R to reload, RMB to aim and LMB to shoot but when I press the LMB when I've got a deer in my sights, nothing happens! What am I doing wrong? The rifle isn't at 100% so perhaps it doesn't work but I'd have thought a message might have popped up to tell me that?

Just one thing I am curious about,brassmonkey.Do you,maybe,play game on laptop? And have long button for LMB+RMB? If that is the case,then LMB won`t work,as it is blocked with RMB.I play on laptop,too and I had same problems,not able to perform shoot with LMB.Then I just changed LMB button to Alt,so I could perform shoot.But,it was causing me uncomfortable playing,so I rather use wireless mouse for playing game,where I have divided LMB and RMB.

Hi, sorry. Yes, I play on a laptop but the mouse buttons are separate so I didn't think it would be that. However, I tried assigning the Alt button to shoot instead of the LMB and it works now, so thank you. I didn't reply because I was busy playing! :-D

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