What do Noisemakers scare?


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I've got my hands on a few noisemakers, and I'm really curious how powerful they really are. They definitely scare wolves and timberwolves, and I was able to scare a bear off with one. The bear had spotted me, but hadn't charged.

Now I wonder if they work against Aurora wolves and bears. If yes, then I'll save them up and use them when I'm searching for transponder caches during the Aurora and I get cornered with no means of escape!

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I don't know, but aurora animals seem pretty unaffected by every other means of scaring them.  I think the best policy for transponder caches is to kill all the local wildlife before the aurora hits.  Even then, there will still be a few special aurora wolves to contend with.  Best avoided completely, because they're very dangerous.

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Noisemakers are almostly useless against TW while an aurora is present. The morale bar is barely affected ("tested it" in my custom run with both the TW morale and wolf fear set to low)

Bears, on the other hand, can be scared as long as they didn't spot you and you are somewhat close to them. I don't know if it works even if they spot you, but i can confirm that they won't run away if they're charging at you (ended poorly for me.)

Still, noisemaker are great against TW during daytime or to hunt some ptarmigan if you don't have a bow (with 1 noisemaker is possible to get the whole group of them, as long as they're close to eachother).

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They scare wolves and timber wolves 100% of the time as far as I know. They do scare bears pretty consistently as long as they aren't already on top of you when you throw it. I've never seen one not run away from a noisemaker on Stalker and below. Same with the moose; I think it's almost 100% chance to scare them away but I don't know for sure. I haven't seen it not work before. 

They do not scare aurora bears. There might be a very small chance to scare them, but you likely won't. I haven't ever been able to do it. They do scare aurora wolves but I'm not sure if it's guaranteed or not. I haven't tested aurora timber wolves. 

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