Makeshift Spear


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The Makeshift spear would be a early game weapon. It is craft-able using a knife and any sapling in the game, the spear can be upgradable using the forge to add a iron tip, you would make the arrow head, and use a piece of rope combined them with the wooden spear and you would make a upgraded metal spear. its a long range melee that can help defend you against wolves and smaller creatures.


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I think the biggest issue with this is it goes against the core philosophy of this game towards combat, which is basically: avoid combat. Your early game item to fend off wolves is the torch, and the use of the torch is to entirely avoid combat. I'm really hesistant to encourage the addition of melee weapons into the game because they change the perspective of the player from being deathly afraid of wolves as they should be to going out of their way to attack them. That being said, I do think more items should be craftable with saplings, so maybe there's something to be toyed with here.

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I made a post about legendary game hunting, and that includes adding the Old Bear. If they do add spears, I think the Old Bear would be a perfect reason why. If there is always a chance that the Old Bear will start stalking you out of nowhere, then it would be nice to have a makeshift spear or the bear spear to fend him off. The makeshift spear would be able to withstand 1 bear charge before it breaks, and it would be great for the early game. If they don't want to go that route, they can also just make regular bears more difficult. Just make them faster and allow them to roam anywhere and that will increase bear encounters and a need for spears. 

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The mechanics of use probably prevent the implementation of any kind of spear.  Once the player is not in a quest environment the implementation has to take into account a whole range of environments and uses that might occur.  

The easy part is the spear.  The really hard part is how it works and interacts with the environment and the character.  If they ever figure out the hard part to what they consider to a satisfactory degree then spears would become viable in game terms.  

It can still happen but don't underestimate the main and collateral effects the devs would have to consider. 

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