wolf carcass disappears


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Killed a wolf, saw the carcass shortly after, went inside nearby building overnight, came out, carcass gone. Total time passed maybe 24 hours. Do they get eaten now or something?

Is this due to: "Properly simulate corpse decimation due to feeding when in unloaded scene."

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This may tie into the issue inthis threadI was making the long and encumbered journey from the Dam back to my homebase over at the Camp Office and I was at the door to the camp office and I noticed on against the hillside near the lake there was a Wolf that was nomming on a dear it caught, and I thought great this is my chances to get more meat, leather and guts, as I collected the goods off of one of two deers that I managed to scare a wolf into while on my way to the Dam, via the River path.

So I run into the camp office and I drop off my loot into the filing cabinets. I popped back outside into the waning light.. the wolf was still there, but the deer he was eating vanished, the wolf stopped his eating animation and then went back to his usual wolf patrol. I scared off the wolf and examined the area, no deer.

The following day I went looked again... no corpse... the I went back down the river trail, to check on a snare I left, however the snare was triggered... but no rabbit... and the deer carcass that I had harvested earlier. I went further to a second deer carcass that had been dropped, but i did not harvest anything from and it was gone.

This happened again later when I shot a wolf that had downed a deer off of the railroad tracks... the wolf ran off, bleeding and I elected to harvest the deer, however a snow storm blew rolled in and I just went to drop my meat and leather off at the camp office... the storm didn't last long and I went back out to see if I could find the wolf I had shot.... but I notice that the deer carcass had vanished... and after searching and searching I could not find the wolf before I lost the light... which is possibel I just did not find but I have to wonder if enter the camp office is triggering a carcass clear or something

On another note the spray of blood is beautiful when you shoot wolves :D

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This (well, almost) just happened to me as well. Voyager run (just started), a wolf killed a deer near camp office. I fought the wolf and it ran away bleeding (in a very bad shape), harvested 4kg of deer meat, went back inside because I was freezing, eat and sleep 1h, went back outside and there were 0 corpses to be found. No deer, no wolf, only 4 hours tops after the kill. If another wolf came and ate the dead deer I would expect to still find a carcass with some leather and gut on it. Is this a bug? I hope it is, I wouldn't want to waste all my bandages and antiseptic for such a meager harvest.

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I shot a wolf after chasing in a deer on the track by camp office, I took the deer meat and was encumbered so ran into camp office and deposited it in carl.I went back out and both carcasses were gone. 4 guts, 4 leather, a wolf pelt and 4 kilos wolf meat. Gone. Next day I did it again on the lake, in sight of camp office. This time I killed him with the knife. I took all the meat, encumbered but not taking a chance, put it inside, when I got back outside both carcasses were gone. 4 guts, 4 leather and a wolf pelt, in less than 30 minutes and on the ice where I could see it from the porch.

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To be more specific, this was at the Coastal Townsite. I fought off 2 wolves with a knife, went into the gas station to recover, came out, saw one of the wolves dead, went into a different house next to it, and when I came back out to loot it was gone. Total time passed from attack to missing wolf was definitely not much more than 24 hours, if that. Stalker mode / Windows 8 OS.

edit: one other thing...I'm playing a game saved prior to the update if that matters.

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Ok, it just happened again and it was blatant this time. Still on Mystery Lake, I was going back to camp office, scared a deer, it ran into a wolf and I saw the wolf killing it and starting to eat. I entered camp office by mistake, exited immediately to go scare the wolf away and lo and behold, the deer was no more. I saw the wolf going on with the eating animation for a few seconds and then go away. Something tells me that this is indeed a bug.

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I am playing on a save started just after the update. I shot a wolf eating a deer just outside Camp Office and I think I took the Hide, maybe the guts and then went inside for the night, planning to come back out in the morning for the rest. When I came back out, the wolf was still there but the deer was gone. That was right after the update. Then today (Thursday) I killed another wolf eating a deer out on the lake and I took the Hide from the wolf and one leather off the deer and left to come back the next day. Neither one was still there when I got back. I've also noticed that my snares are preforming very poorly, unless something was changed in regards to that. I have 4 set up in a spot that I know works, I've managed to catch one rabbit in about 5 days, checking everyday. The thing is, most of the time the snares have that look that they would have as if they caught a rabbit and I'm starting to wonder if the carcass is just disappearing now.

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Same thing happening to me. I've had two deers and one wolf disappear on me so far after heading inside for the night and coming back out for them the next day.

Same issue here, have lost three deer corpses so far. Guess I'll stop hunting/snaring rabbits and live solely on fishing until those bugs are resolved. :(

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Same behavior just moments ago, shot a wolf outside the camp office, step inside for under a minute, walk outside and the wolf carcass is gone, but my old footsteps are present. Previously, shot a wolf eating a deer, harvested wolf meat and pelt, brought back to trapper's homestead, went back out for the deer, it had disappeared. This is with .214, have not had this happen previously. Mac OS X.

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Confirmed dissapearing of corpses of deer/wolf from my side,too.In first case I was waiting for wolf at Camp Office,just next to door.I fight with him and instant killed him.I harvested guts from him only,as I dropped down to 34% condition.So I just turned arround and enter to Office,placed bedroll on the floor near door and slept for 6 hrs,to recover condition just enough to harvest hide and meat from killed wolf.When I came out,wolf corpse has gone.And it was not snowing in meantime,neither was blizzard.

Second case was when I was in Dam.I went out to go back to CO,but I noticed right away wolf catching deer,just few meters away from Dam doors.I went into fight with wolf again and scared him away.As I had no antyseptic in backpack,I entered back in Dam to collect one bottle,applied it and went right back outside.But untouched deer corpse dissapeared.I was not inside Dam for more than 10 game minutes,after kill.

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