Oddities about the Signal Void Bunkers


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Couple of things I noticed as I explored and looted the signal void bunkers that I found odd and was curious if anyone else has made these observations?

One is that that none of the bunkers have any light switches in any of the rooms.  Not in the foyer, nor in any of the corridors or any of the rooms, yet all those spaces have electric lighting.  Are we to assume these bunkers are/were all hard wired and the lights were never turned off, basically remaining on 24/7 until their power was terminated?

Second, is that although plenty of food items are present in these bunkers, there are no hotplates, cookstoves or microwaves in any location so how exactly did the occupants of those bunkers heat their meals?   Were all the workers/researchers just eating cold food from a can?  On top of that, not even a refrigerator to be found in any location either.  I presume everyone must have been drinking room temperature beverages.  Oh, and not one coffee pot or coffee maker either!  I can't imagine any government facility that didn't have a coffee maker in it. 

No wonder the workers were going nuts down there...

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