About the merch store.

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I know many people have been asking about the store reopening for a while now, and they’ve always got the same response of “we don’t have a date but we hope to open it in the “NEAR” future” (for almost 2 years mind you), and I’ve been wanting to buy some things for myself to show my love for The Long Dark, but I’ve been slapped with the same paragraph for the past couple years every time I’ve thought about buying a mug, and at this point I need some closure beyond “the near future” wether it’s not in their plans right now, they’ve abandoned it, they can’t afford it, or they honestly don’t have a clue. I just need to know what I can expect. I may expand on this or talk about this topic later but for now I’m just looking for an answer.

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Thank you for reaching out. We do have plans to reopen the Merch Store, but we don't yet have a date at this time. We're hoping to provide more information soon, but it's difficult to provide an update until we have something concrete to share with our community. 

We know folks are eager for more info, and we will post something as soon as we have more to share. 

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  • 7 months later...

Bro I just looked up the shop just now and everything is sold out. 😶I mean you guys just ahead of me with 12 hours at least cuz I live in Europe. Lets just say I was waiting for years for this moment and I dont know if I should blame myself or what should i do? Cuz I never gonna get em' sweet lookin mugs. I know its going to be a limited time thing but there was such a limited stock that everything is sold out after half a day? Bro...

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1 hour ago, James Hickok said:

Same here - i was w8ting for this moment.... Im wondering if the stock was sooo smal or did one or a couple of ppl bought all of the stock to resell later.

I have just found a store in my native language offering TLD merchandise in my currency to buy. And it has loads of stuff like mugs, knives, posters and so on...... They look very genuine and professional. Almost like they were bought from Hinterland or made on their license. They are also more expensive the red mug costs about 50 $ American and its a 10% off offer limited to 10 more pieces or sth. 

The mugs they offer are even microvave safe and have customization options ........ CRAZY ! 

Check this out : https://www.etsy.com/pl/market/hinterland_mug

I dont think if its official. But the merch looks good. 

Literally i just found it when reading your post and now i will try to buy stuff. 

They even have more stuff ...omg im about to cry 

https://www.etsy.com/pl/search?q=the long dark&ref=search_bar


@Admin is this sanctioned by Hinterland ???? 


I just had a look too... seems like someone's either selling privately or been buying extra to sell...they're more expensive than htl..  either way I won't buy anything unless it's from htls site.

Edited by Leeanda
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2 hours ago, James Hickok said:

Yeah same here. As much as i would like to have some of those i will not buy if they are not from Hinterland. I prefer to w8. 

If they are not sancioned by The Studio they are just breaking the law. Maybe Hinterland should have a look at this. 

The only thing I saw was the 'tld inspired ' comment..  maybe @Admin should check it out though..

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