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What kind of achievements would YOU like in the game? This could mean something extra for Wintermute, an extra challenge for survival games, something to work for if you’ve completed a challenge, or maybe even a new feat. I personally would like to see an achievement for completing every single side mission when episode 5 releases, probably as a gold or even platinum depending on the amount of side quests. Maybe an achievement for finding all secret cashes or killing 50 of every animal. And a one for completing all 3 parts of the hunted or maybe for completing hopeless rescue or ETDW or something else with a time limit in a short amount of time (say like 3 in game days or 2.5 IRL hours)

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I don't know really... the achievements themselves don't really matter much to me.  I do like earning the "merit badges" for Challenges and Feats a lot more... though I don't use feats myself, I have very much enjoyed earning them just the same.

I suppose I've gotten to the point that I enjoy setting my own personal challenges (just to test/push my limits and continue evolving my playstyle).

I mean, don't get me wrong... I'd certainly welcome more Achievements, Feats, Challenges, and Special Events.  I just haven't really thought of anything specific that I would want to try and rally to have added. 🤭

Edited by ManicManiac
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