Bunker find! a quick peek at the hardware bunker


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In Mystery Lake,
if your fortunate enough to find it, every once in while the tools and hardware bunker will spawn.
It only spawns in this fixed location.  High up on the ridge overlooking the fishing shacks and cabins.


It's easily accessible but a long way to walk for sure.


climbing down into the interior you'll find shelves with items on either side of the ladder.


On the left side of the ladder I found a metal shelf with a prybar, two hatchets along with two sharpening stones and standard toolbox.  The locker adjacent 
to the metal shelf yielded a very worn pair of climbing socks.


The shelf to the right  held to rusty jerry cans each containing approximately 2 liters fo fuel.   There was also a hurrican storm lantern in like new condition 
as well as a couple of jars of stump remover.  The bonus was finding a revolver in decent condition along with two boxes of bullets.


To the right of the shelving I found a four drawer filing cabinet, which was empty save 1 piece of scrap metal.   The desk drawers were equally empty 
but I did take the addtional beat up lantern that was sitting out.  Crow feathers were appreciated as was the old newspaper. 


Across the room, was another metal shelf with a couple of cans of acclerant along with some food items a newspaper and a tinder plug.  I found a couple of
road flares and some matches on a carboard box.  Nothing inside or under the box.


In the corner of the were the air vents and ducting.  Checking the vent yielded nothing but you never know, sometimes there's good stuff in a vent.
The metal shelf held another flare, a gun cleaning kit along with some high quality tools and an addtional box of standard tools.  

The bed was a standard size bed, adding 5C warmth bonus.  The crate and cardbox box were empty, nothing inside or underneath.  The papers will come 
in handy for starting some fires.


The last objects in the room where a locked locker and another metal shelf.  Fortunately I had a new prybar so I forced the door to the locker and found
an old flashlight and a box of rifle bullets.  The shelf held a variety of items, food, medical supplies, water as well as a useful hunting knife and can opener.


I always wonder about these bunkers.  Why isn't there more stuff in them?  Has somebody found these before and just didn't take it all?  Or did the original owner just not
get the chance to finish filling up their cache?  What are your thoughts on bunkers?  Do you search for them or just don't bother?   

Your thoughts and comments much appreciated.


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Always searching the bunkers in ML and PV. I know there is a bunker in Blackrock but couldn’t find yet. 
I like searching those places and finding very valuable stuff esp. tools and hunting bunker.

I would like to see a mixed bunker with a little amount of food, cloth, tools, medical and guns and ı would like to find a special book like guns,guns,guns or maybe HL brings us new skill books about survival (there was also a new topic  in forum about new skills)

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I always make a beeline for the caches as soon as I arrive ,with the exception of BlackRock. 

But for me the medical one seems most pointless yet the most well stocked! Don't need anything in them on pilgrim! 

The rest are ok except maybe the general one is a bit lacking and I wish the weapon cache had more bow/arrows in .or at least the materials needed to craft them.

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I like searching for the bunkers as part of my long play after getting bases established in every region. The weapons bunker is golden but rare. Only ever found it once. 

A few days ago I decided to go walk a ridge in ML that I couldn't recall ever doing, although I must have since I have done FC twice on 2 different runs. (Technically you can only do FC once, but since HL added the location list in the Journal, you can still attempt to complete each site if you want to in any run.) Maybe you will know the one as I describe how to get there: Starting from Trappers and head towards Unnamed Pond I go up the incline then down to the 3 rocks and the fallen tree where there is usually a body, turn right at the 3 rocks to go into the valley that heads towards the deadfall area but before you get there, there is another valley on the left that takes you towards the firewatch tower. There is an easy to walk ridge at the beginning of the valley on your right that I start to head up. As i get up to the top and start walking it I suddenly see a bunker hatch! WHAT??? So I scout around to get my bearings and I can look down from the high ridge to the camp office below. AH! It is this one! I now found an easier way up without all those broken ankles! It is the one from the camp office directly across the tracks and up. 

Feels like a golden moment to find something new after so many hours of play!

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On 3/31/2022 at 3:04 AM, Pınar51-06 said:

Always searching the bunkers in ML and PV. I know there is a bunker in Blackrock but couldn’t find yet. 
I like searching those places and finding very valuable stuff esp. tools and hunting bunker.

I would like to see a mixed bunker with a little amount of food, cloth, tools, medical and guns and ı would like to find a special book like guns,guns,guns or maybe HL brings us new skill books about survival (there was also a new topic  in forum about new skills)

I think you would like the food bunker or the clothing bunker as it seems they typically yields a fair amount of just about everything in my experience, maybe even an occassional skill book or two.  As to Guns, Guns, Guns a much sought after skill book, I do believe there's only a small handfull of locations where that particular book can be found.  I've been fortunate to have come across them all at one time or another and on one particular playthrough actually got the weapons bunker on both PV and ML.  That was obviously before BlackRock was added, so now there's one more chance of getting a trifecta!

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I always search for the bunkers, and have had plenty of sprains & some frustration in the process.

Mostly have found food types - have never found a medical or firewood (does that one exist anymore?). I figure that the owner(s) had them stocked more heavily, but quick grabbed whatever they could carry as they scrambled out of the area.

Got the Clothing one in PV & that was very nice, esp. because it was fairly early in that particular run!

I've only come across a Tools bunker once (in Blackrock) and it was a welcome experience. Very similar to what you've pictured here, but also included a an arrow (or 2?) and a couple shafts.  I agree with Leeanda that more arrows/materials & a bow would make sense in a tools bunker.

A "mixed" bunker as suggested by Pınar51-06  would be worth searching out, if it had more of everything then the typical food bunker -- and I think every bunker should have at least one appropriate book (or yes, a special one would be even better).

Edited by twyn1
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22 minutes ago, Sito said:

I like searching for the bunkers as part of my long play after getting bases established in every region. The weapons bunker is golden but rare. Only ever found it once. 

A few days ago I decided to go walk a ridge in ML that I couldn't recall ever doing, although I must have since I have done FC twice on 2 different runs. (Technically you can only do FC once, but since HL added the location list in the Journal, you can still attempt to complete each site if you want to in any run.) Maybe you will know the one as I describe how to get there: Starting from Trappers and head towards Unnamed Pond I go up the incline then down to the 3 rocks and the fallen tree where there is usually a body, turn right at the 3 rocks to go into the valley that heads towards the deadfall area but before you get there, there is another valley on the left that takes you towards the firewatch tower. There is an easy to walk ridge at the beginning of the valley on your right that I start to head up. As i get up to the top and start walking it I suddenly see a bunker hatch! WHAT??? So I scout around to get my bearings and I can look down from the high ridge to the camp office below. AH! It is this one! I now found an easier way up without all those broken ankles! It is the one from the camp office directly across the tracks and up. 

Feels like a golden moment to find something new after so many hours of play!

Yes, I know the area you're describing.  There are literally two spots fairly close together one behind the ridge the hunting blind and another up along the ridgeline, above the cabin before you reach the clear cut area.  There's a moose rub and a rabbit warren pretty much just below the hatch location.    If you proceed further thru into the clear cut area, diagonally across the stump farm from the path that leads to the destroy fire watch up on the ridge, is where you'll find the firewood bunker.  That one honestly is just about the most useless bunker find in the game.   The only one equally mediocre would be the medical hatch.  You'll find that one just at the top of the rope climb by the western passage.

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5 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

I always search for the bunkers, and have had plenty of sprains & some frustration in the process.

Mostly have found food types - have never found a medical or firewood (does that one exist anymore?). I figure that the owner(s) had them stocked more heavily, but quick grabbed whatever they could carry as they scrambled out of the area.

Got the Clothing one in PV & that was very nice, esp. because it was fairly early in that particular run!

I've only come across a Tools bunker once (in Blackrock) and it was a welcome experience. Very similar to what you've pictured here, but also included a an arrow (or 2?) and a couple shafts.  I agree with Leeanda that more arrows/materials & a bow would make sense in a tools bunker.

A "mixed" bunker as suggested by Pınar51-06  would be worth searching out, if it had more of everything then the typical food bunker -- and I think every bunker should have at least one appropriate book (or yes, a special one would be even better).

I'm pretty sure there is a standard loot table for the bunkers based on the gameplay difficulty.  Or at least that's what I've been led to believe.  I may be wrong.
I probably should have mentioned in the post that this was at stalker level difficulty so that may have affected the amount and or assortment of items that I discovered.
What difficulty setting were you playing on when you found your bunker, if you don't mind my asking?  

as to finding arrows/materials in a tools bunker?   hmmm, yeah okay, but it's a tools bunker.  I'd just expect to find all the tools...   With tools, I can easily chop down some saplings for making bows and arrows, dontch'a think?  😏


wanna see a proper prepper's cache?  


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Whoa!! That Bunker tour was amazing!! I really love the extra variety of foods they have created! So clever! Could definitely stock up on the vodka & wine (alltho' "fortified" is not my favorite)

I was playing on Pilgrim when I found the BRM Tool Bunker -- inside was very close to what you posted, but may have had a little more food & water as well as the arrows. And another lantern too?? ... I feel like I lined 3 up on the shelf together.

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47 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Whoa!! That Bunker tour was amazing!! I really love the extra variety of foods they have created! So clever! Could definitely stock up on the vodka & wine (alltho' "fortified" is not my favorite)

I was playing on Pilgrim when I found the BRM Tool Bunker -- inside was very close to what you posted, but may have had a little more food & water as well as the arrows. And another lantern too?? ... I feel like I lined 3 up on the shelf together.

Amazing right?  Wouldn't it be nice to just once in the game find a bunker that contained just a quarter of all that loot?
Playing with mods definitely changes the loot in the game!   

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