Movie worth watching : Arctic


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Just watched this movie the other day and I was quite drawn to all the simularites of the story to  the game.
I guess it's been out for a few years now, but I don't remember seeing it advertised in the theaters.
I thought it was well done and wanted to know if you've seen the movie and what you thought?


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For some reason when I saw the title, I was thinking of that bizarre Sean Bean movie "Far North" in my mind. But no, "Arctic" was okay I guess, I don't remember much about it... I think there are better and more meaningul examples of this kind out there though, like All is Lost

Edited by Mistral
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I watched this movie back when it came out.  I had already been playing TLD for a couple of years so the idea of watching a guy struggle surviving in the Arctic after a plane crash kinda felt familiar.  The one thing that I came away with is the tenacity of the protagonist to survive.  You can imagine the effort it took to carve his SOS out of the snow and rock and keep it exposed by repeatedly having to uncover the ground in order to keep it visible.  Dealing with freezing cold, limited supplies, frost bitten limbs and dwindling hope.  His hopes raised by the appearance of possible rescue only to be crushed when the helicopter crashes! Then finding another survivor he realizes he is no longer alone!  He puts all his efforts into saving her for the remainder of the film.

I remember this movie being an emotional roller coaster in that from one moment to the next I was elated and defeated, anxious then sad.  His commitment to saving the girl is what kept him going against all odds.  I think the ending was well done, the viewer never actually knows what happened, did the rescue come in time?  Did they both survive?  I want to think, they both made it home...

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