Something to do


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In order to keep playing my 2400+ day run, I need goals, something to do.  Completely cleared Blackrock.  My next objective is to leave a small stash of food, water and firewood in each location (caves, transition caves, all indoor locations, etc.)  On average, I'm leaving: a bottle of water, 5-8 hours of firewood and about 10k calories of food.  Here's a sample:


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ohhh, I feel your pain!  Playing the "long" game after you've done practically everything take some creativity in order to keep the run from getting really boring.  I've always managed to die before breaking 1000 days, so I can't imagine that you have any achievements or features you have earned yet.  Are there?  Just curious?

Since you did go through all the BlackRock loading screens and that was a serious project for sure, what about screen shotting each Cairn that has a comment?  I've only counted all the cairn in a game once since I've owned it and that one time was enough for me.  how about back tracking and filling each of the randomly spawning bunkers with tons of firewood and cooked meat?   I once spent 284 days in DP and systematically hacksawed every metal object in the region and broke down every crate, cardboard box, plank and pallet on the map.  I then systematically built up a stock pile of firewood and coal on the Riken and ended up foraging hunderds of arrow heads and dozens of improvised axes and heads.  You could leave a few arrowheads, axes and knives in each of your stashes in those transition caves.  Or maybe go to Carter Hydro and clean up everything in the lower and upper dam?  


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Collecting all the cloth in Coastal Highway has become a minor quest in my Voyageur run.  I currently have stockpiled 430 pieces of cloth at the Fishing Village cabin I use as a base.  Before I am done I will likely top 450 pieces of cloth.  I harvested all clothing I did not need, broke down all furniture that yielded cloth and wood and cut up every old bedroll or pillow found within the various trailers. A similar task would be to harvest all the metal at the Carter Hydro Dam.

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10 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

ohhh, I feel your pain!  Playing the "long" game after you've done practically everything take some creativity in order to keep the run from getting really boring.  I've always managed to die before breaking 1000 days, so I can't imagine that you have any achievements or features you have earned yet.  Are there?  Just curious?

Since you did go through all the BlackRock loading screens and that was a serious project for sure, what about screen shotting each Cairn that has a comment?  I've only counted all the cairn in a game once since I've owned it and that one time was enough for me.  how about back tracking and filling each of the randomly spawning bunkers with tons of firewood and cooked meat?   I once spent 284 days in DP and systematically hacksawed every metal object in the region and broke down every crate, cardboard box, plank and pallet on the map.  I then systematically built up a stock pile of firewood and coal on the Riken and ended up foraging hunderds of arrow heads and dozens of improvised axes and heads.  You could leave a few arrowheads, axes and knives in each of your stashes in those transition caves.  Or maybe go to Carter Hydro and clean up everything in the lower and upper dam?  


I've done everything on that character - all achievements, broken down every single object in every zone (inside and out).

The cairns..hmm...I started something like that when I was collecting them but realized others had already done something similar.  For the effort, I soon lost my motivation to do it and gave it up about half way through.  I even made sure to do a debug screenshot so others could find it based on coordinates.

Any other ideas? I'd love to hear 'em!

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13 hours ago, hozz1235 said:

. . . My next objective is to leave a small stash of food, water and firewood in each location (caves, transition caves, all indoor locations, etc.)  . . .

I do this automatically, not as particular objective, on the assumption that in a long game I shall revist this shelter. A thousand times I have been caught out in bad weather, or just wanted somewhere to shelter en route to somewhere.  Arriving at a cave, or even just a good sheltered corner at the bottom of a cliff, to find food, water fuel already there is a great relief. I like to leave at least one piece of coal in each shelter spot to enable me to start a hot fire when there is a very cold storm.  Wood is great for cooking, but coal is what you need to give you warmth in a cold storm or night, put that on first then your wood, your fire will maintain a high temperature. 

I rarely leave large amounts of food or wood except in some key caves, but I also like to leave several other useful bits' n pieces.  I prefer not to gather all my resources into a small number of places like the Office in ML.  I prefer to leave reources scattered aound so when an emergcy arises I have resources all over GBI.

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