Do plants like Cattails ever grow back?


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Survival mode which was an adaptation of the very popular survival sandbox is frozen in time.  I had wondered about it long ago and realized that it reflects a period of time when Wintermute would be occurring.  In winter, nothing regrows.  Certainly if there was a mechanic I, playing Pilgrim for 900 to 2000 days (various sandboxes) would have seen something. 

The only time cattails might reappear would be if, during a landscape update, the devs do something wrong and cause things like that to respawn.  Else, what you saw was what you got.  

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I'm on a 2400+ day run and I continue to find cattails now and then despite me swearing I'd harvested them all.  I think the only way to verify this would be to take a screenshot of a patch of them, harvest them then come back every 500 days or so.  Personally, I'm not going to be the one to do that test :)

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