This will make you feel better...


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"Hello Jeremiah, 
The CDC sent me here to innoculate you..."


"This first booster is for the Leporidae strain"


"the second injection is for the Cervidae virus"


"this third jab should protect you from Canis lupus disease"


"and this one is for mutated Ursidae vector"


"wait, I think I'm feeling better already!"


"there's just one more, this one is for the dreaded Necronomicon variant..."


"argghhh,  my heart!!!"



"Yes Sir?"

"Mark this down as death by Bear Mauling...."


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Lol, @piddy3825, I just laughed my ass off reading this post. 

Best line "there's just one more, this one is for the dreaded Necronomicon variant..."

Wasn't the Necronomicon the book for raising the dead in the Bruce Campbell move, Army of the Evil Dead?  
famous line, "This is my Boom Stick!"

You should be a political satirist, this just had me laughing at the absurdity that we find ourselves in nowadays!

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Guest jeffpeng

This is just the motivation I needed to finally get an appointment for my third jab. I mean - what could go wrong? 😄

On 12/21/2021 at 1:46 PM, RandomPlayer said:

Wasn't the Necronomicon the book for raising the dead in the Bruce Campbell move, Army of the Evil Dead?  

Yes and no. While it is the book mentioned in this amazing movie, which had a lasting influence on me as I was lucky enough to have seen it in my formative years, it was originally conceived by the great and yet underrated H.P. Lovecraft.

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Just don't bring polishits here guys 😞

Yup the Necronomicron, written by the mad Abdul al-Hazred. When I was in my early teens, reading Lovecraft would really give me the shivers 😨 I wouldn't read his books alone at home lol

If you likeLovecraft, you should enjoy Jean Ray, Malpertuis is available in english. Both authors are from the same generation, both started publishing around the same period by the end of WWI

Edited by JMK
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