Are the Convicts Deaf to Gunshots?


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At this point in the game, I feel like the convicts must be pretty deaf, at least to gunshots. Why?

I've shot both the rifle and revolver at least 20 times in total in various locations around Blackrock. I even shot the revolver in the small wooded area just to the north of the prison. Did the convicts react? Nope. Surely, they must have heard the gunshots, for the sound of gunshots carries for miles. Apparently, Mathis and his thugs aren't very clever, as they can't seem to figure out that Will has a firearm (who else would be shooting guns all across Blackrock?), or, they simply don't care unless Will brings the gun into the prison.

However... why would having firearms outside the jail be fine when having them inside is prohibited? Isn't there a risk that Will could shoot his captors through the door, or hide in one of the sniper towers and pick the convicts off when they stick their noses outside? If I were holding someone prisoner, I would make sure that they would not have access to a gun anywhere, and I would be very wary if I heard nearby gunshots if I sent my abductee out to gather supplies.

Does anyone have an explanation that isn't "Mathis and his thugs aren't the most clever cons"?

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Yeah I've heard that from other people. @Admin, can something please be done about this? An invincible demon bear in Episode 2 is one thing, but Mathis and the cons are mere mortal humans, and there's no way that they should be immune to gunshots. Either make it such that firearms can't be brought past the guard room, or hide the cons in locations where they can't be shot at.

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Would a character like Mckenzie shoot at one of the convicts and risking to get killed himself while getting counter attacked by multiple convicts which will lead to him fail with his task to get his precious metal case back - remember, the convicts have already mentioned being aware of the situation for Mckenzie?

Bolt-Action rifles are not good for attacking multiple targets - the convicts are armed too - nor are revolvers made for such situations. Odds would be pretty much against Will Mckenzie. Mckenzie as a charackter might seem like a snowflake but is a somewhat smart guy not doing stupid stuff like that.


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That is my main problem with Ep4. Immersion not exists here. You cannot shoot them, nevermind how well armed you are. You have to hide weapons and clothes, which makes the convicts brain damaged idiots who easily fall for that. And at the very end - nevermind how many weapons you have, well, you wrestle with the man with an axe. Because why not (let me guess, another one of you "artistic visions" devs?). Immersion level 0/100  here, "plot armor" at its worst. This is NOT TLD. In TLD we had freedom to do what we want, even when there were tasks from people from episodes 1 to 3. Here, its the worst episode, where any freedom is replaced by illogical rules implemented into the plot. There is no logic whatsoever in anything Mackenzie or the convicts do in that episode. Just terrible, that how it is :(

Edited by Rince
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22 hours ago, diosmio123 said:

Would a character like Mckenzie shoot at one of the convicts and risking to get killed himself while getting counter attacked by multiple convicts which will lead to him fail with his task to get his precious metal case back - remember, the convicts have already mentioned being aware of the situation for Mckenzie?

Bolt-Action rifles are not good for attacking multiple targets - the convicts are armed too - nor are revolvers made for such situations. Odds would be pretty much against Will Mckenzie. Mckenzie as a charackter might seem like a snowflake but is a somewhat smart guy not doing stupid stuff like that.


The best way to fight multiple attackers is to know your enemy. What we know is that Mathis is the leader of the group, and that Mathis is very impatient, loses his temper quickly, and isn't good at long-term planning.

If I were Will, One plan that I could come up with is to take out one of Mathis' thugs from a guard tower with the rifle, then immediately head for the exit door. When Mathis sees what happened, he would almost certainly go mad with rage, and his mind would be focused on one thing: ending the shooter's life. Any other hazard would essentially lose all meaning to him. Next, I'd then hide behind a rock, listening for Mathis to open the front gate. Once I hear the outer door open, I'd throw a noisemaker, which would buy some time and distance. Finally, I would run straight towards Foreman's Clearcut as fast as possible, using a stim if needed. To get past the timberwolves, I'd light a marine flare. Once inside the trailer, I'd stand at the door, revolver at the ready, though once the timberwolves start chasing after Mathis and his remaining thug, I strongly suspect that fending off wolves would become their sole focus... and Mathis isn't very good at dealing with wolves. With Mathis and his gang taken care of,  it would then be possible to explore Blackrock in peace, find the hardcase, and continue on to Perseverance Mills.

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