Belt & Holster


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I'm coming to you with a new idea of late game craftable item:

Belt would be in a new slot just like "accesories", they would be made out of pelts or dryed leather (see the last point of the topic to see my idea about dyed leather), and would reduce the wheight of tools.  In my idea, I was thinking that you could make belt & holster out of any pelt, but you will require more rabbit skin than bear skin. Also, the type of skin that you use will change properties of the item. 

I was thinking of :

-4 rabbit skin = a rabbitskin belt, 10% less wheight on the 2 tools that you put at u're belt.

-2 wolf pelt = a wolfskin belt, 15% less wheight on the 2 tools that you put at u're belt.

-1 deer skin =a deerskin belt, 20% less wheight on the 3 tools that you put at u're belt.

-1 moose skin = a mooseskin belt, 25% less wheight on the 3 tools that you put at u're belt. -> the industrial belt, that would be scavengable in the world, would give you 25% but on 2                                                                                                                                                                    tools, for balancing the late game but helping the early game.

-1 bear skin = a bearskin belt, 25% less wheight on the 4 tools that you put at u're belt.

They would be a choice to make, you could just put the heaviest tools to get the more benefits out of the belt, but the belt would also give you a bonus in wolf struggle, i was thinking that the loading bar in the bottom screen would start higher if you use a tools that is on you're belt, because its easier and quicker for you're character to reach the tool.

Once you have the belt, you could also make and equip holsters. It would be craftable or findable, and would act the same as belt : the type of skin you use will change the properties. They would be 3 type of holster in my mind, the revolver's, the knife's and the hatchet's. ( pciture in linked files)

I was thinking of :

-2 rabbit skin = a rabbitskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 50% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

-1 wolf skin = a wolfskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 60% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

-1 deer skin = a deerskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 75% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

-1 moose skin = a mooseskin knife/hatchet/revolver holster, 85% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

-> the industrial holster for each type of tool, would be scavengable and would give you 80% wheight reduction on the tool.

-1 bear skin = a bearskin knife holster, 100% less wheight on one knife ( that you will select in you're character's page).

The fact to equip a tool in the holster will also give you a "sure hands" bonus with this particular tool, which would enhance the benefits that give you the tool in wolf strugle, the benefits that I was talking hicher on the topic would be tripled by the holster, the charging bar on bottom of the screen during wolf strugle would start higher depending on th type of holster you use. It will also not damage the tool, unless you're using it, but if you store the tool in you're backpack, it will slowly damage it. The holster would work for improvised tool as well. 

I was also thinking of an unrelated craftable item = a quiver, which would be made out of skin and would allowed the free carrying of 4, 8, 12, and 20 arrow, with no additional wheight in you're backpack.


Finally i wanna talk about dryed leather, which is not renewable ( if i'm wrong, correct me bellow). I think it would be great late game addition to have a similar machine as the ammunition workbench, but to make dry leather out of different animal skin, in an old tannery for example or in a farm somewhere dangerous.

The process would be long, it will require a week or two after having cured you're skin. You will have to bring you're multiple skin at the workbench, and work at them for several hours, then let it cure again some times, then process it again etc..... It would be a long but rewarding process.

If they were a way to make sustainable dryed leather, then i think it would be bether to make belt and holster out of this, and then dont get benefits out of the type of skin you're using.


Let me know if you're seeing any downpoint to this idea, any point that would destroy RP, or that would unbalance the game etc..

Have a great day, and survive !

holster revolver.jpg

porte couteau.jpg

porte hache.jpg

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I like the idea. As I was reading I was thinking of a benefit during a wolf struggle then you mention the “sure hands” benefit.

A quiver makes sense too.

I love the idea of new craftable items so this would be fantastic! And it makes sense. Maybe have factory made ones rarely found with better benefits? Or different at least, and the hand made their own.

Seems like belts and holsters would be common around the island.

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6 hours ago, Syraith said:

I like the idea. As I was reading I was thinking of a benefit during a wolf struggle then you mention the “sure hands” benefit.

A quiver makes sense too.

I love the idea of new craftable items so this would be fantastic! And it makes sense. Maybe have factory made ones rarely found with better benefits? Or different at least, and the hand made their own.

Seems like belts and holsters would be common around the island.

I was thinking the same, but when you look at hacthet and knife, every normal person have at least one of each at home, but to balance the game, its pretty rare item. Soo i was thinkin gabout leavin realism away, and focus on balancing the game.

For me man made item should be bether than industrial one, because if not they would be no benefits to invest time and ressource in the making of a bear skin belt, if you have already found 6 in a voyageur run. But maybe if you could just make holster and not belt, and then you should scavenge around to find a belt which would be essential for using the holster that you can craft, then it would be cool. Or we can do the opposite, like foundable ( but very rare, like 1 of each type) holster and craftable belt, it would balance the game beetween crafting and scavenging.

I think it would be a good idea, but judging on the amount of reaction and views, it may no't be a great idea ^^

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Cool idea to add as a clothing slot. I like that a belt/holster/quiver would reduce tool weight. So many of us acquire lots of pelts and have nothing to craft, the clothing craft list really needs expanding. In my current run I have about 30 wolf, 5 bear and 10 deer pelts just taking up space.  

Edited by Cranky
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