Aurora Like TLD In Real Life Rural Canada

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I am self isolating (doctors orders - I've got an immune disorder) in a northern rural area in Canada (Manitoba) in a very small cabin on Lake Winnipeg with no plumbing and only wood heat as I play my fav game The Long Dark. The irony isn't lost on me!

Anyhow, here is a pic from last week of an aurora event from here, just thought I would share.


edit: added a video of the aurora


Edited by xAnAngelOfDeathx
added a video
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Beautiful and hypnotizing in real life. It's been many years since I've seen one like that in the upper midwest US. I grew up in northern Indiana during the 50's and 60's and we would see the lights a couple time a year. I moved to south central Wisconsin in 1980 and since then I've only seen the northern lights once which was that vibrant. My wife and I took a trip to Banff during June three years ago and we stayed in Two Jack Main Campground. We caught site of the lights in early morning around 2am. I thought it unusual that we did not need to carry flashlights in the woods until after 10:30 to 11 pm.

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10 hours ago, xAnAngelOfDeathx said:

Here is the aurora where I am from a couple nights ago, credit for the video goes to a friend. On Lake Winnipeg.


outstanding view from your cabin up in the frosty North!  watching the sun setting in the lower left side of the screen, kinda looked like someone had shot a flare into the sky off in the distance, very cool indeed.  

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