Bow selection when using the weapon hotkey


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It'd be really great if the player selected the bow with the least condition when the player has more than one bow. This would be consistent with the arrow behaviour and would is a better default wrt item weight management on the part of the player, as they'd be able to run a bow down until it broke and then discard it and switch to the other bow, as opposed to the current situation where the player is going between bows and therefore they are both wearing down together, meaning that they both end up breaking at the same time much later.

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I'm not talking about the arrows, their behaviour with the bow equipped is completely reasonable. I'm talking about the fact that you always choose the highest condition bow when you activate it by pressing "2", the weapon hotkey. This leads to a situation where using the hotkey with multiple bows in your inventory will result in the longest possible time passing before one of them wears out and can be dropped... and the other one will wear out within a shot or two after that, rather than having a high condition bow and a lot of time to prep to make the next one.

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