Outdoor Refrigeration/Thieving Wolves


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Hello Everyone! I am new to the forum but have played the long dark for a while. When I get a big kill I have gotten into the habit of placing the large quantity of raw meat outside my current shelter. I am not sure if this actually decreases the rot/wear on it but I think it would be a cool feature if it did. More importantly to go with this feature is I think the surrounding wildlife should steal/eat any meat I leave outside to last longer. If there are wolves around my home and I leave out 10 moose steaks I think the next morning I should have maybe 7 and some wolf tracks to show a sneaky wolf got into my stash. The bigger the predator  or more there are around you, the more meat is gone.

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It sounds reasonable initially, and it would make the stone caches have a reason to exist. I could see them doing it in two ways though...

1) The dogs don't actually come and your stuff just vanishes which is easier to program but also makes it more annoying to players

2) Make it so the dogs have to actually go to the meat. This removes the annoying things but also makes it so your meat hunts itself.


Meat does "go bad" more slowly outside, though how it goes bad at all in -15 is a mystery. Of course that could change at any time so it's best to test by keeping one inside to compare with

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I think it's important to figure WHEN the meat would vanish. Could i set guard outdoors during all night to prevent it? Or when the sun rises, the stuff is gone? Or it happens when i leave a region? Or when i sleep, even if a little time? And if i sleep on day time, not night?

What should be the trigger for the action?

(using google translator)

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