Ash Canyon: More scrap metal?


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I make this solely because in all of Ash Canyon I found two scrap metal and (as it happened) no hacksaw (but I went to Timberwolf and got one) to turn three (maybe four) metal pails into scrap metal.

In going around Ash Canyon,  I can be surprised at how meticulously tidy the previous inhabitants were.  No junk piles and trash heaps which could be scavenged for things to be harvested or broken down.  Where are the ruined (broken) picks, shovels, hatchets, knives, and clothing items, etc.?  It is not as if there was regular trash pickup or a regular trash run to a landfill back in the civilized and populated areas before it all went to pot.  

I hope that the devs intend to open an "alternate" route into Ash Canyon from the other side of the region from Timberwolf.  Given how difficult movement can be in Ash Canyon, it is hard to imagine that all that stuff got packed in by mule or porters.  The Gold Mine must have been the mother lode of mother lodes to justify that much effort.  😄

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I did an Ash Canyon start with the idea of just staying in that single zone and living off the resources there as long as I could.  I admit, scrap metal was a pretty limiting factor, particularly when I started burning through the fish hooks (that were needed for crafting, mending and fishing).  I also didn't have a hacksaw, but I was looking around for items that could be broken down if I ever found one.  The area really has a surprising lack of such items... it could at least use a shelf or two in the gold mine (since shelves often grace the entrances of the mines in other regions).  TWM can also be pretty skimpy for scrap metal, making the nearest reliable source, the shelves in the bunker below the rope in PV.

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