Afflictions for long-term depleted needs


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Hello deer Survivors,

We have the hypothermia affliction, a deadly illness that we try to avoid at all cost;

but there's no penalty for staying dehydrated, starving or exhausted for weeks.

You may thus just eat and drink enough to spend the night and recover small loss of health.

There's the Well Fed buff that motivates us, at least me, because I think the +5kg is important for travelling,

but I'd really like to risk more types of affliction.

I saw a few nice posts about dehydratation and starvation

which are great ideas imo.

A positive affliction like the Well Fed one for staying well rested, hydrated or warmed would be nice too!

(for example WH: stamina depletes slower, WR: crafting/cutting faster, WW: feels like temp hotter)



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I can generally get behind the sentiment of this post, though I would like to note that I don't think a Well Fed positive bonus would work for the other Need types. The reason why Well Fed exists is because hunger is more of a long-term resource drain than the other needs, and because abusing Condition to get by on minimal calories was such a popular strategy.


I do think that penalties for not taking care of Needs, aside from hypothermia, could easily be added to others. Fatigue already has max carry weight reduction which I think works, but I can get behind penalties for the other Needs to make need failure less of a "okay, I'm on a death timer now" and more "okay, now if I don't take care of this soon, I'm gonna start having cascading failures that's gonna put me in serious danger".

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To save people having to read that entire linked thread, here's the starvation mechanic in its simplest form:


Add a "Starvation Risk" meter ("SR meter" for short) which ranges from 0 to 50000. The SR meter starts the game at zero and it is initially hidden from the player. While the player is at 0 calories, any calories expended increase the SR meter by the number of calories expended.
Anytime the player consumes calories, the SR meter is reduced by 2 * n (Voyageur), 1 * n (Stalker) or 0.5 * n (Interloper), where n is the number of calories consumed.

When the SR meter rises above 10000 it is converted to a percentage and displayed as "Starvation Risk" (so the player will see it at 20% when it is first shown).

When the player hits 0 calories, roll Starvation Risk if it is above 40%.
All such rolls for a period of 24 hours have the same result as the first.
On a bad result, the player receives the following affliction:

  • Fatigue drain from all activities increased by 100%
  • Thirst rate increased by 100%
  • Damage from being at 0 calories increased to 3% per hour

The affliction is cured by consuming calories.


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