Wringing out wet clothing?


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I like to idea because it adds realism and there is a benefit.  However, it is very specific.  Meaning, if my clothing is wet and not frozen I’ve got this thing I can do.  All other times it’s not used.  Again, I like the idea and just because it isn’t used much doesn’t mean that it isn’t something to consider.  Are there any drawbacks to doing it?  IRL there would be water on the floor if done inside.  Probably too much for a game.  Like, we would probably need to sweep the floor from time to time; that doesn’t mean I want to do it in TLD (no benefit).  Could that water be collected for drinking?  Just thinking out loud (on a written forum).

Edited by Derek0311
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It is not a bad idea in the right game.  Trying to speed up the drying of clothes by trying to wring/squeeze water out of it would be a new mechanic for TLD and probably imply things and consequences that I cannot imagine/think of at this time.  The degree of improvement in the wetness of particular clothes would be problematic.  About the only time I was noticeably dissatisfied with clothes drying was when I had a pair of deerskin pants (and most any other pants) that was just really difficult to get dry but I don't get that wet anymore and am aware of the possible problem so I take precautions as needed. 

Given how the devs think, I think, if they implemented a "wring  extra water out of clothing to reduce their degree of wet" they would probably include some degree of condition damage to the clothing item and other things.   On balance, they would probably conclude that it was not worth the effort to implement. 

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1 hour ago, Derek0311 said:

I like to idea because it adds realism and there is a benefit.  However, it is very specific.  Meaning, if my clothing is wet and not frozen I’ve got this thing I can do.  All other times it’s not used.  Again, I like the idea and just because it isn’t used much doesn’t mean that it isn’t something to consider.  Are there any drawbacks to doing it?  IRL there would be water on the floor if done inside.  Probably too much for a game.  Like, we would probably need to sweep the floor from time to time; that doesn’t mean I want to do it in TLD (no benefit).  Could that water be collected for drinking?  Just thinking out loud (on a written forum).

The water on the floor could be circumvented by offering the option only if there is a sink or a pail to interact with to access the feature.

Overall, I think it is pretty "micro-managing" in nature... having to determine first that the clothes are over X% wet, but not frozen.  As UTC-10 indicated, I would also think the devs would be inclined to accelerate the condition loss to re-balance things... far easier to just take the clothes off when diving under waterfalls and avoiding staying out too long during big snowstorms... and, of couse, avoid breaking through weak ice at all costs (my nemesis that has killed me more than once).

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