How do you and Astrid get so separated?


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I just started the story, so my question may be answered, but uh...the destruction of Milton seems like it happened days to weeks before you get there. If Will and Astrid crashed together, then why does it seem like she is days or weeks ahead of him? If this will be answered, then disregard. But this story seems super vague. 

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In the lore of the game, the island has been in steady decline for a long time.  Milton didn't just collapse overnight, it's been going on for a long time.  The bank shut down, people boarded up the houses and moved out.  Only a few stalwart (or desperate) people remained.  And of those, only Grey Mother survived the escaped convicts.

Although there can be a very extreme time discrepancy depending on how long you decide to play each chapter.  I think it's implied that you search for supplies but try to hurry it along and get out ASAP.  But really, the game doesn't force you to be fast.  The world waits for you to be ready to advance the main plot.  Speed run it, or take your time.  It makes no difference.

I think if they were to write it out as a novel or something, Astrid made it through Milton on day one of her story, just as the tunnel collapsed.  The prisoners did their raiding of Milton while Will was recovering from his plane crash injuries.  And by the time he climbed out of the ravine, both Astrid and the prisoners had already moved on.  Astrid's actions during Episode 3 take place concurrently with Will's actions during Episode 1 and 2. I won't spoil it, but there is something that occurs simultaneously for both Astrid and Will during the end of Episode 3.

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  • 2 months later...

It seems that Will was unconscious after the plane crash for quite a while. Astrid probably didn't suffer any injuries and was able to leave the area immediately. Most likely, they were ejected from the plane and landed in different locations. It seems Astrid tried to look for him, but decided to move on when she couldn't locate his body. Seeing as how she made it throw the tunnel before it collapsed, she covered a lot of ground very quickly. On the other hand, Will wakes up after the crash (an undetermined amount of time has passed) injured and can't move around as quickly. By the time he discovers Milton, the tunnel has collapsed and he has to find a detour to get out. 

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1 hour ago, panda_gamer87 said:

It seems that Will was unconscious after the plane crash for quite a while. Astrid probably didn't suffer any injuries and was able to leave the area immediately.

Well, yea. Considering she wasn't jettisoned off of a cliff. I think that she actually stayed with the aeroplane until it's resting place atop the precipice. So, not only was she not as injured, she probably got moving pretty quickly. And, I think Will was incapacitated for probably 4-5 hours, considering the aurorae in the sky are still aflare. The only thing that separated them, really, was the tunnel collapse. Because whilst Will was helping Grey Mother and climbing the mountains, she already had a straight path through the mountains. They are likely only separated by about a day by the end of Chapter 1 (depending on how fast you play). Though, I have not yet finished chapter 3 so I don't know how much they diverge thenceforth.

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This is actually something I've thought about. Before the Redux versions of Episodes 1 and 2, I think the timeline worked a bit better. I only played through Episode 1 once before the redux (when I bought the game the Redux was about to arrive, so I held off going any further), so my memory could be wrong, but I felt like it took you a few days to get out of the ravine pre-redux. If that's correct then that would explain how Astrid got so far ahead of Will. The revamped intro in Redux is a lot more accessible (and I generally like it better) but it felt like Will got out of the ravine a lot faster- and that does screw with the timeline a bit.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/30/2020 at 5:53 PM, SpitztheGreat said:

This is actually something I've thought about. Before the Redux versions of Episodes 1 and 2, I think the timeline worked a bit better. I only played through Episode 1 once before the redux (when I bought the game the Redux was about to arrive, so I held off going any further), so my memory could be wrong, but I felt like it took you a few days to get out of the ravine pre-redux. If that's correct then that would explain how Astrid got so far ahead of Will. The revamped intro in Redux is a lot more accessible (and I generally like it better) but it felt like Will got out of the ravine a lot faster- and that does screw with the timeline a bit.

I just decided to replay the whole thing from the beginning and I'm glad I read your comments, because I sure didn't remember it being so quick and easy getting outta the chasm and down into town which seems like I coulda done almost immediately this time around.  That being said, Will's dialogue with this redux does seem to partially explain how he ends up down there and she doesn't.  I think he even says something to the effect of "I must have went thru the windshield and these trees cushioned my fall."  "Astrid must have been able to get out on her own or been thrown clear..."  or something like that.

As I recall the original release keeps you down in the chasm for a couple of days while your hand heals up before you could climb out,  so that by the time you got to town Astrid was definitely way ahead of him.  I'm enjoying the re-play so far, good change of pace after a week of avoiding the Darkwalker...

Edited by piddy3825
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