Eyes should adjust to darkness overtime


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So like the title suggest, your sight should adjust to the darkness overtime. I’ve died countless times indoors because I can’t see literally anything. I get you can negate this by creating a torch but I like playing on interloper, and it takes some scavenging before you can get a light source. I just want to at least have a chance, but when it’s 100% pitch black it takes away from the realism. So why not make it easier to see after standing there for a few minutes?  Btw love the game so so so much everything about it is perfect...except for dying indoors due to darkness 

Edited by Geo
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Some indoor areas in the game have had their midnight lighting better resolved than others. You can always orient on the very dim windows in Mystery Lake Camp Office even if you cannot see items. There is spot lighting all over the Workshop in Broken Railroad which allows you to orient yourself fine, but the lights are there even when there is no source, which is not ideal. In Cannery workshop, it matters not one bit how bright it is outside until some time after dawn or unless there is an aurora because no light renders through the windows at all. In this case i think that the work on the map was just not completed.

However you are right as you can prove tonight in your basement. If there are windows, so not in a cave or mine, you should always be able to see a bit inside as long as you could see outside. I find this aggravating, other players do not. I have no idea how many matches I have wasted in a large room with skylights and many windows coming in from a bright moonlit night to find, brokenly, that between sunset and half an hour after sunrise, no light can penetrate glass.

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