Specific Dialog Survivor Mode

Ice Hole

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The player character is low on thirst or is hungry or cold.  The complaint dialog is triggered.  Some times what the character says is funny but certain times it seems confusing.

Usually when about to open inventory to take a drink my character starts talking about body fluids and maybe yellow snow.  Would be more immersive if the dialog were more intuitive or predictive.

Introduce a method to check inventory and have the character proclaim "why do I not eat X in my backpack." when hungry or when thirsty "so much water in my backpack maybe I should drink a little." or when cold "maybe I should put on X piece of clothing".  The dialog is based on what inventory the player has at the time.  To expand on this the dialog could target inventory located at base locations and basically remind the player where certain items have been dropped.  For instance if water is required inventory is empty but water was stored near to the character, this could then trigger the character to speak dialog to indicate where they left the water "Quonset hut has lots of water maybe I should head over."


Sadly my character has come down with an awful case of laryngitis.  

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I'd like less randomised complaints and remarks from my survivor as well. It's funny when you're staying in a place the game considers 'outdoors' (lookouts, caves, the Mountaineer's Hut, certain areas in the Cannery Workshop facilities, etc.), and the survivor says something along the lines of "Night is coming, time to look for shelter..."

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I think it would require a lot of re-voice work overall and I'm not convinced it would be worth the added expense.  I would prefer the quippish lines involving the character's condition be parsed down to just the straight-forward phrases that already exist like "I'm getting a little bit thirty." and "I'm so cold."

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