Dear Santa,


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I know you just had a tough period, old Santa, and you maybe want to rest a little. I'm good with that, I'm making my wishes list for the whole year to come, so you'll be ready for the next holidays !

  • a camera mode : the one they use to make nice promotion videos. It's not for me directly, as I'm not skillful in that domain, but I'm sure the community will do wonders with such a tool
  • firecrackers : I want the packs to be introduce in almost every maps. But interloper and loper-like runs need a tool to deal with them. If I can make gunpowder, can't I create something with it, non-deadly, just to scare them away ? Could be also useful with regular lonely wolves to make them stop following me all around a map.
  • timberwolfs' special hide (and the according craftable item that would make me eager to hunt them)
  • remove or rework the sprain mechanism : I know that won't happen, but I don't like it and that's MY wish list 😛
  • ski : I often go down the mountains as if I was skiing, I wish I could stop pretending
  • difficulty levels in challenges (and custom challenges) : deadman with no human-made food, nomad with stalker wolves...
  • new animal : my two favorites would be vultures and walrus, but I'm in if you add any other one !

I could go on and on during hours... and that would be hours and hours of hard work for just one wish to become true. So, as always, do as it pleases you, as it suits better your idea of your own creation.

I wish you the best for the years to come, dear Santa, take care !

Edited by LkP
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I really like a lot of these ideas, particularly the camera mod and the unique timberwolf hide.

The firecracker idea seems really good, although it might be better just to make marine flares craftable instead of an entire new item

I also want skis, they seem the most realistic was of moving around the world a bit faster, perhaps with the downside of it using more calories and stamina, and not being able to move effectively uphill. Although this seems like it may be very difficult to create in TLD

new animals would be really cool, unfortunately i'm not sure if walruses and vultures would realistically have a big enough niche in great bear, perhaps owls or foxes? 

And of course, we all know that sprains won't be going away


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Camera mode - check

Firecrackers - definitely check

Timberwolf hide - check

Sprain rework - check (although I just turn it off now)

Skis - meh

Difficulty levels - no comment

New animal - I'd prefer eagles and harbor seals.  They are more indigenous to the West Coast of Canada than either vultures or walruses.

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