Strange time bug on Xbox


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Ever since the Episode 3 update I'm getting a weird time bug when I resume my Survival game. Let's say I save at exactly midday and then quit. When I resume my game, it's night time, becoming morning of that day. Seems to rewind the time by 8 hours or so. Not a game-ruining bug, but a bit annoying to sleep the night away, save, quit, then when I come back I have to spend the night again...

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I’m seeing the same thing in Steam/Mac, but I think it’s only been since 4DON started. 

BTW, it’s only a time-of-day bug; time isn’t really passing. I saved while cooking in late afternoon and when I resumed it was predawn but my fires were still burning and my fish were still cooking. 

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Just to add (can't seem to edit for some reason) - I think what Dr. S. says is slightly off. Time might rewind to just before dawn, but not your inventory - so if you have looted/harvested stuff in the period leading up to your failed save it is still there in the save that does load. Which could be used as an exploit if you had a mind to....

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