A tale of terror


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It's too late to report this as an actual bug, because I've gone and contaminated the crime scene like a proper prat.  But I share my tale of terror and near-demise as a warning--and daresay I a lesson--to others.

It all started in Milton.  I left my Paradise Meadows homestead intent on putting a bullet in the moose down in the basin that dared insult my mother.  I climbed down to the terrace and intended to nap off my descent so that when I reached bottom I was in peak form.  Upon awakening, I was greeted with a lovely message, something to the effect of "Yo dawg, couldn't save yo' game, fool.  Make sure yo hard drive ain't full."  My hard drive is not full, so I immediately made a backup copy of my save--an act which ultimately saved the day.  A blizzard had erupted at that point, so I started passing time an hour at a crack from the back of the cave, and each time I got that same "Unable to save your game" message.  Distressing...

I called for a full retreat, scaled the rope, and went back inside the Paradise Meadows Farmstead.  This is when the demons attacked.  I appeared in the middle of the house, not right by the door.  And to my shock and horror, the interior had been reset.  Mostly.  Random objects had been restored, containers previously filled had vanished, containers previously looted were now searchable.  A strange random pile of stuff on the floor beneath me was all that remained of my previous stash.  And as I had chosen Paradise Meadows as my primary base...this was a devastating blow.  All of the secondary clothing I had collected, all of the ammunition, dozens of liters of water, hundreds of cloth, leather, gut, hide, medicine....all of it... gone.  Gone....

I exited, hoping that upon returning the glitch would be restored but alas, upon leaving, the door was mysteriously locked.  I still had the key from when I originally found it like I dunno 48 years ago, but whatevs.  I unlocked the door again and was greeted by the same sorry state of affairs.  I drank myself into oblivion, walked out into traffic, got eaten by a whale, it was horrible.

OK so in actuality I just ALT-F4ed that mother, and copied my backup save game back into the appropriate folder, reloaded TLD, and loaded that save back up.  Once again, I was back in the cave where I had napped after my initial descent.  Scaling the rope again, I found that the house was exactly as I had remembered it.  The glitch was gone, and that horrific nightmare was just that: A nightmare.

So let that be a lesson to you.  Especially in long-term survivor mode games...back up that file.  You are always one crash away from disaster.  And unlike a missed shot/bear mauling, I do not consider a game crash to be a fair death.

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