A better way to carry things.


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A Travois is a simple sledge made from two poles and some binding rope.  Just picture an "A" frame laid down.  A deer or bear hide stretched across the frame could be used to drag a limited amount of cargo, be it fire wood, fish, meat from a kill.  It could be crafted from the basic materials in game, just as they were in real life.  They were pretty common in the part of the world the game is set in and most people with a bit of bushcraft knowledge know how to make one.  This isn't something you would move fast with, but you could move more, and over snow and ice they are almost ideal

It'd be nice if this was part of a general expansion of items crafted from wood.  Wood is plentiful in the game as are the most common tools to work it in a bush-survival setting.  Snow shoes, wooden lances, hide or meat drying frames, etc.  Maybe add a book that unlocks some of these skills.

Just a thought.  Love the Game.  Probably the most beautiful survival game I've played.

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I think the problem facing implementation is going to be how it could be used without blowing up the game and what consequences for use and misuse there should be.  I would expect that its use would turn out to be much less advantageous than one who has used one in real-life would expect and perhaps much more troublesome. A lot of thought, a lot of programming, and the end result may be a toss up whether it would be an effective device for the purpose it was created for or better to just shoulder the pack and walk. 


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Scusate non sono bravo in inglese , ma basterebbe un algoritmo di programmazione ,che tiene conto dell'esperienza del giocatore basato sul tempo trascorso in gioco  , in parole povere , più tempo passa nel gioco  più il mio personaggio si fortifica , con messaggi del tipo , hai camminato per più di 30 /60 giorni ,il tuo personaggio ha imparato a muoversi con lo zaino su terreni impervi ,il peso del tuo zaino si riduce del 5/10 % , in più basterebbe inserire nel gioco libri che insegnano a ridistribuire il peso degli oggetti nello zaino , in modo da ridurre l'affaticamento stesso .

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