A long dark, moonlight and stuff to do inside


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I've read that at first the daylight time was way shorter and then it was stretched because everyone was complaining about the days being too short. I've never experienced it because I started playing on the v.183 but one of the first things I noticed after a few days of survival was exactly the weird daylight length.

Having shorter days with this pitch black nights would be for sure a game killer, but how about moonlight? If you ever happened to be in a place without artificial light at night and with a full moon, you'll know that a full moon casts enough light to see without troubles, almost like daylight on a cloudy day sometimes. In a setting like TLD's where there's a lot of snow it would be even better because the snow reflects the light making everything brighter.

I would like to see shorter days, balanced by brighter nights (when the moon is big enough and there are no clouds, of course). Lunar phases and cloudy skies are already implemented so maybe a tweak on the brightness at night might not be too hard to implement. To avoid boredom on the darkest night tho it would be nice to have stuff to do. Maybe crafting could be possible even without a workbench, but would require much longer times? That and more items to craft as suggested by many other users could be the way to go.

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There is moonlight, but most people don't see it because going outside at night is lethal due to the low temperatures and the high likelihood of bumping into Fluffy's cousins.

as well as that, I would suggest minigames to pass the time, like a japanese puzzle box that if you solve, opens up to give you a rare item or perhaps a dartboard you find in the camp office. and doing these things would raise your dexterity (increases your chance of success when crafting, harvesting, repairing) or it increases your aim accuracy (this is the benefit of darts) when using the rifle (increases your ability to aim properly)

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hi,. there is actually a moon light effect in the LongDark and its bright until around 1am, you probably havent noticed it.

Interesting! I was outside a few times around 1am but it was usually dark. Maybe the sky was cloudy, or the moon was too small. I'll have to try again hoping in a full moon and a clear sky, will report here with screenshots!

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