alcohol and cigarettes?


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I had the same idea about the alcohol.

Flask of Whiskey


+ Thirst

+ Hunger

++ Fatigue

Cigarettes + 1 Match used




Existing coffee should if not already done so (didnt drink coffee yet)


We need more reason to stay outdoors other than for an achievement.

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Coffee provides a temporary buff against fatigue and cold in-game, plus 100 calories.

I too would like to see alcohol and cigarettes. Why? Mainly because in my "downtime" in this game, I don't have enough to do, and it would be a nice sign of status to be able to have a drink or light a smoke now and then, sort of in a self-satisfied "I'm not just surviving, I'm thriving" sort of way.

I don't think cigarettes should really given any buff or debuff (maybe a small buff against fatigue) considering that when you are struggling to survive for a month in the frozen wilderness lung cancer isn't really high on the risk of existential threats. It would just be a luxury/style item players use - or don't - for the hell of it.

Canadian whiskey seems like an obvious choice. What elloco said about alcohol actually causing you to lose body temperature faster is true, but since nobody knows that, a warmth buff in exchange for a fatigue debuff doesn't sound unreasonable. Mostly I just think it's a crime that a game that is so proud of its Canadian environment doesn't have Canadian whiskey OR maple syrup in it, although the <3 Pancakes painting in some of the coastal houses kinda makes up for it :D

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Canadian whiskey in a hip flask.

Didn't know drinking them would make you colder but hey not everyone knows that,blame hollywood for the inaccurate portrayal of alcohol keeping you warm.

And lastly alcohol always does something in a game, such as reducing radiation level (STALKER), increase stats (Fallout) and many more. Alcohol is a must :P

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As someone who smoked for 7 years, I can tell you that cigarettes definitely give you an energy boost. There were times in college where I was feeling a bit tired while pouring over books or an essay, went out for a smoke, and was able to continue working. I never really experienced any withdrawal symptoms, which allowed me to quit for long periods at a time, but they definitely happen and, as we know, cause cravings.

They don't make you feel warmer, but they do give you a nice buzz. Cigarettes do not cause dehydration.

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As someone who smoked for 7 years, I can tell you that cigarettes definitely give you an energy boost. There were times in college where I was feeling a bit tired while pouring over books or an essay, went out for a smoke, and was able to continue working. I never really experienced any withdrawal symptoms, which allowed me to quit for long periods at a time, but they definitely happen and, as we know, cause cravings.

They don't make you feel warmer, but they do give you a nice buzz. Cigarettes do not cause dehydration.

I'm more apt to believe that your energy boost was caused by you taking a break from your books. I only say this cause I also had times in college where I was feeling tired while doing design work and a short break always gave me an energy boost. And I've never smoked.

But I don't have any other data to back me up so....

I thought we already had a thread on alcohol and coffee and etc and the effects they could impart?

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As someone who smoked for 7 years, I can tell you that cigarettes definitely give you an energy boost. There were times in college where I was feeling a bit tired while pouring over books or an essay, went out for a smoke, and was able to continue working. I never really experienced any withdrawal symptoms, which allowed me to quit for long periods at a time, but they definitely happen and, as we know, cause cravings.

They don't make you feel warmer, but they do give you a nice buzz. Cigarettes do not cause dehydration.

I'm more apt to believe that your energy boost was caused by you taking a break from your books. I only say this cause I also had times in college where I was feeling tired while doing design work and a short break always gave me an energy boost. And I've never smoked.

But I don't have any other data to back me up so....

Same here. Just taking a short break especially if you stretch your legs for a bit will refresh you when you've been concentrating on something for a long time.

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