Change in weather happens too abrupt


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Yeah especially when it goes to that pink colour it's too fast. The graphics anyway. I don't mind the weather changes other than that though. AT first it seemed very fast to me but I think I got better at noticing the wind picking up etc because it doesn't bother me as much anymore.

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I agree with this. Sometimes a roaring blizzard can start and I can enter a structure to have the storm blow away within an hour in-game time. There should be times where an entire day can be snowing and definitely windy and very cold when an arctic front moves in. These would be the days where you are holed up making water or clothing by a warm fire. Might be best to program in a safety for the first 2 or 3 days when starting a new game just as a buffer.

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A little heads up would be nice, maybe like the "Looks like I survived another day" speech, Your char could say "looks like the weather might be turning bad" Giving you at least some time to get into cover. I can't believe you wouldn't notice it and take action. The temp would drop dramatically, the clouds would cover the sky, yet I notice non of this and just carry on ?. I don't think so. This guy is supposed to be a pilot and he can't spot a storm ?

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I really mean the graphical change of weather. Today it happened that the fog dissolved as I was outside. In the background I could all of a sudden see the summits of the mountains again. The fog was still around but not that strong anymore. Anyway this looks not natural.

Although I like that idea of weather not changing for maybe 12 or 24 game hours in stalker mode. This would be very challenging. Together with the "Looks like the weather might be turning bad"-speech as furq says.

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I just wish they were more subtle like I wish it was on a matrix scale like this...


Maybe they already have something like this, but it seems like it goes from one extreme to the other fairly quickly, I have omitted fog sorry about that.But you get the idea.

I think shitty weather should last most of the day but there should be some warning like overcast that it is coming or maybe an effect on the maps with the great big draw distance showing a huge wave of dark clouds, a weather system bringing it, in the short term it would be kool showing snow heavy snow in the distance rapidly drawing near so you only have minutes to prepare for heavy snow. Also would be great if they modeled heavy snows on the ground and reduced movement speed right after a heavy snow.

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Nice chart FBJ

I totally agree. In the story mode the weather can be tailored to encourage or discourage depending on what is taking place. But in sandbox mode I too feel the weather should be random and there may be times where up to 2 or 3 days of brutal weather will have to be dealt with.

Are you prepared or will you have to venture out to check snares or catch a fish during a blizzard???

Perhaps a barometer could be found at one of the lake houses? You know, one of those ship wheel decorative things to give a heads up for weather changes. lol

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Ohhh a barometer. Nice idea, I do like the idea of random weather swings, and surely 2-3 day storms should be possible. I just wish it transitioned more slowly. The weather changes we see now seem to happen either abruptly or just too quickly. Not necessarily too often just too quick from one state to another. It would be kool if there was a chance it could go from one state to another but a likely state such as from mostly cloudy it would be most likely to shift to partly cloudy or light thin overcast, then once in that state, say light thin overcast, it would be most likely to be dark heavy overcast or mostly cloudy again but least likely to go to sunny. Etc. You get the idea, if it was -40-20 out it would be most likely to get either colder or warmer but not lots colder or not lots warmer... etc.

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Add in a simple barometer tool that loses durability over time. The worse condition it's in the more inaccurate it becomes. It could give us an in-game hour (less/more?) heads up to when the weather changes. We don't get it's a rare spawn we have to hunt down. That way if we really want the heads up, and want it to be accurate, we'll keep it in good condition.

Was in a similar thread posted last month I think.

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Yes, sudden weather changes are a pain. But i think this should be smoother on the final release. It is a pain when you go out to gather supplies under a clear sky and instantly you get stuck into a blizzard storm. Or when exploring a newer area you get suddenly covered by white fog.

Not everything above mentioned is really annoying, but just lets me to thing...

If some sort of geomagnetical disaster was the cause of all of these events, it would be great that we could see "strange" events taking place. Like before a great sudden storm sky fills with auroras of weird colors ( I Remember STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl's sky), birds and animals run like hell for cover, or something like that.

Small earthquakes or little ground shaking would be good. Imagine that you are fishing or walking on the lake and suddenly a quake starts breaking the ice... Or if you are on a mountain area rocks start falling, or an avalanche is coming...

This would involve the creation of a game system that could manage to create and mantain a constant changing enviroment, maybe more complex but can be great to play.

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I like the sudden changes. You DO get a little warning... and there is nothing that scares me more in this game (from a survival standpoint) than walking across one of the lakes when a blizzard blows up and all of a sudden all I can see is lake ice in a 20 foot circle around me and NOTHING else. At that point you just pray you stumble into a fishing hut before you stumble into a wolf.

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