Crafting clothes with the material I have


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If I can make a coat out of wolf pelts and boots out of leather, why not a coat out of leather? It feels rather gamey to not be able to use the material I have to make all the different clothes.

Different kind of materials could have different properties, like leather being tougher but less insulating than wolf pelt. And each piece of clothing could have it's own "best" material to use but if you happen to have a lot of a certain material you should be able to use it for the clothes you need.

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I like that you can make such things and that they require a large amount of time, besides that this things are superior to the found items. But i think that is still needs some refinement, the catchword is: Layers.

First layer is the outer layer, this layer needs some windstopping abilities and is normally made from some pelt.

Second layer is the inside layer, which normally holds the aircusion, and prevents the escape of the warm air, that is in contact with the body.

There can be a middle layer as a supporting structure.

Now to an example is the sheepskin vest:

You can skin a sheep and use the sheep wool side as the inside layer, while the leather is on the outside, or the other side around. Or if you have two sheeps you can make it with both layers, for a better cold protection.

Leather alone is a very bad cold protection, without one of this both layers. I know it, because i used to wear a leather mantle.

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I definitely agree with this, you should be able to make different clothes with different materials.....leather pants anyone?

Rabbit fur hat? If I can make a jacket out of wolves fur I should be able to make pants too. Oil for waterproofing boots and leather garments would be cool also.

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I definitely agree with this, you should be able to make different clothes with different materials.....leather pants anyone?

Rabbit fur hat? If I can make a jacket out of wolves fur I should be able to make pants too. Oil for waterproofing boots and leather garments would be cool also.

Ohh. You don't want to wear leather pants, in a very cold environment. Think just a minute about your genitals and thights. No air cushion means that the outside temperature is directly transferred.

But some pants from a pelt, warm on your balls... yes this is possible. ;)

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Ohh. You don't want to wear leather pants, in a very cold environment. Think just a minute about your genitals and thights. No air cushion means that the outside temperature is directly transferred.

But some pants from a pelt, warm on your balls... yes this is possible. ;)

Lol, touche. I should clarify that I would of course wear them over my long underwear and not directly against my skin,

pioneer style.

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Yeah, I totally agree with all of this. I think line and gut could also be interchangeable for repairs, especially considering that you make line out of gut.

More craftable clothing would be nice. Making clothes is a nice project when you're bored like I usually am.

I think it would be cool if rabbit pelts could be used for larger things, but would take more time and pelts, or mixing and matching. E.g, I have a rabbit pelt sized rip in my jacket, I could use a little bit of a wolf pelt, or rabbit. I don't have the leather for two complete boots, but I have enough for the soles and the rest could be the 134 rabbit pelts I have in the freezer.

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I can see one potential drawback. I've noticed that since abandoning the coastal highway and the cabins for the remote trapper's cabin I've been having a far easier time staying alive. Since you can get as much food and water as you need in the wilds, the main reason to risk wolf attacks dodging from one house to the next is to find better clothes. I've made the existing craftables but if you were able to complete the set so to speak with a hat and fur pants, there would no longer be any reason to go back into town apart from eventually running low on tool kits or bits of scrap steel for repairs.

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There really isn't a reason to go hunting for clothes as it is. The boots, coat and mitts together are already way better than all the other best clothes combined. Yes, you'll be running around with no pants on but you are apparently are still able to warm yourself even in -10C conditions...

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