Firing the rifle from the hip


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Today I finally got my hands on the revolver for the first time (and deafened myself within 1 second of picking it up due to being in a very enclosed space and not realising that it might be already loaded - scared the crap out of me!).

And now I'm walking around feeling like a boss. Wolves can't come near me. All I have to do is fire off one round in their general direction to send them squealing. This is nice. I like it.

But it does make me wonder why we shouldn't be able to do the same thing with the rifle? It makes just as loud a bang. Right now we can only use the rifle to scare wolves if they haven't already spotted us - you can't fire it without aiming, and as soon as you aim they charge, undeterred by 'warning' shots (that's what I like to call them when I miss).

I don't think it would unbalance anything, especially given how much rarer and more precious rifle shells are than revolver rounds anyway.

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I'll just say that with the amount of times I've had a revolver in hand, stopped to pick up a stick, missed it and blown a hole in my invisible boot instead...

...I'm quite happy the rifle can't be fired without aiming first.

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6 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

I'll just say that with the amount of times I've had a revolver in hand, stopped to pick up a stick, missed it and blown a hole in my boot instead...

...I'm quite happy the rifle can't be fired without aiming first.

I've had the revolver for all of about 5 minutes, and i've already done that at least 726 times. I also shot a man who was sitting in church when all I really wanted to do was rob him. It felt really bad.

But I'm a fast learner. Now I put the revolver away if I don't want to shoot it.

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