First gen xbox disclaimer screen crash

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Been since 7/18 that game has been crashing at disclaimer screen on xbox one first generation. Play anywhere works on pc for the same game number, verified by Microsoft support that also had me do ALL the resets/defrags possible to no avail. Ive sent NUMEROUS  tickets daily to hinterland support with no response but they close them as "fixed" and it is very much not fixed nor can microsoft fix it. It is on hinterlands end to resolve this issue. As it is completely unplayable and a $20 virtual paper weight. 

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@admin, read that says i have sent *SEVERAL*, more like in the hundreds of support tickets to and like i also said they close them before even investigating. YOU are the first person to reply AT ALL from hinterland. So if YOU would, email or do wtf/e u need to do to push this further, do it. Bc they ignore me and im out $20 that i coulda used on something useful.

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@admin, im assuming u too are done with the other post so ill repost my issue bc it is STILL an issue that is not being resolved so if you would read that other post again...i said i have sent *SEVERAL*, more like in the hundreds of support tickets to and like i also said they close them before even investigating. YOU are the first person to reply AT ALL from hinterland. So if YOU would, email or do wtf/e u need to do to push this further, do it. Bc they ignore me and im out $20 that i coulda used on something useful.

I hate to get hateful about it but repeatedly telling me to send tickets WHEN THEY DO NOTHING WITH THEM is at this point an insult to my intelligence as IVE DONE EVERYTHING I CAN and the game still crashes and i get no "support" from hinterland to try to fix it, besides all the "fixes" on ur forums are for STEAM version and this is an xbox issue for a year now.

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