Happy New Year!

Ice Hole

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The cold dead Winter is declining strength and will be finished

The warm lively Spring is increasing tension and soon will burst

This marks a special time

Celebrate new life

Happy New Year !


My thoughts after seeing the new growth beginning lately and from a Long Dark perspective of an endless winter I would want to recognize it as a New Year.  No more frigid Old Man Winter.  Here comes hot Lady Spring.

A long time ago the new year was identified during March and celebrated until April.  This was changed and the term april fool originates from making fun of the people that would feast during this time.  Now January is in position just for convenience.  Wiki doesn't have much else on the subject.  Why exactly it was changed is unknown to me.  Imagine in the Long Dark after endless Winter and then we witness Spring.  Melting ice baby animals green grass blooming flowers sap flowing budding spruce.

Would the feelings to want to celebrate well up inside you?

As Long Dark characters with plus 500 days then witness Spring would we want to celebrate feast and call this a new year? 

What do you think?


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January (ianuarius) comes from Janus the two-faced who looked at the past and future, so it's the first month of the year since the Roman age. Hebrews held "march" as the beginning of the year as stated in the Exodus celebrating the escape from Egypt. April fool (which in Italy is called "april fish") comes from the christian habit of making pranks around Easter (risus paschalis, "Easter laugh" in latin) to cheer everybody up after 40 days of fasting and praying. Fish = ichtis in ancient greek, achronime of (in ancient greek) Jesus Christ son of God and saviour. That also originated the saying "priest's joke" (don't know how widespread it is) meaning a rather childish and silly prank, since priests couldn't resort to vulgar or offensive humour.

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