Wind Protection reduces movement speed nerf from wind


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I would love to see Wind Protection from clothing be a more impactful mechanic. Currently Wind Protection seems to be largely ignored, with people instead opting to stack as much +Warmth as possible. If each point of wind protection reduced the degree to which wind nerfed your movement speed, I believe people would be a lot more inclined to reconsider their clothing strategy, and potentially shed a little warmth for the ability to move a little faster in the wind. For the players that put hundreds or even thousands of hours into this game, their biggest frustrations are often the snail crawl that occurs while walking into a headwind. By introducing a potential solution to that, you add more strategy and more choice to the survival experience, and also help mitigate one of the most frustrating and unrewarding mechanics.


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1 hour ago, earthy said:

If each point of wind protection reduced the degree to which wind nerfed your movement speed

Wouldn't that make no sense?

1 hour ago, earthy said:

Currently Wind Protection seems to be largely ignored

 I don't think so, the Windbraker is one of the best items I like to find, cause it's so light. You very rarely end up being in a no-wind situation, especially in late Loper weather.

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I mean it's not that unreleastic. Your clothing is deflecting the wind off of you instead of allowing it to penetrate the clothing and pull it back. Think stretchy pants walking into a wind. If the material is nearly airproof, no big deal. If air is getting in, they'll puff out and the wind will have increased surface area to hit. That being said, many mechanics are far from realistic, and being adamant about this one being realistic really benefits nobody. No one is ever crawling at a snails pace because of the wind and thinking "i'm really glad that i'm incredibly slow and there's nothing i can do about it. this really adds to the immersion, and i would definitely not like the option of trading warmth for speed."

And the windbreaker may be good in lower difficulties, but it's terrible in interloper. There's just no late game situation where it would hold an advantage over a bear or moose coat. With reduced clothing weight, well fed buff and moose satchel, the weight you would save is so negligible that it might as well be saved elsewhere.

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I think the lighter weight of the windbreakers is enough to consider using them as clothing as long as the temperature is warm enough.  Becoming overencumbered too easily and not being able to sprint can be a death knell in this game and is sufficient to cause players to select the lighter pieces over the really heavy ones that provide maximum warmth.  I would like the wind mechanic to be something that stays out of the players control, but I would like to see it modified such that when the wind is at your back it helps to speed you up just as much as it slows you down when you're facing into it.  I think its effect should be to cause the player to change their path to seek more sheltered areas and perhaps even to consider changing their intended destination, not to cause them to change their clothing.

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