Seals and a use for the bear spear


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Hey! One group of critters missing from the game are marine mammals... and it occurred to me that the bear spear could be a great seal hunting weapon a la the Innu, where you sit next to an air hole you find in the ice on CH, BH, or DP and wait for a seal to come so you can spear it. Have semi-random locations for the seal's breathing hole and get some seal going on. This could open up a mini game for catching it, plus give food and more clothing options. Obvs it would need to be well balanced with the rest of the game, but could be a cool "exlusive" use of the bear spear outside of defence from the large mammal attacks (i.e. bear and moose).

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This would be a welcome addition. By the way, in northern insular Canada you may even meet a walrus which is not exactly a harmless and cute swimming sausage, so the beach wouldn't be just a meat vending machine but another potential challenge. Imagine being on a rocky shore at night and walking onto not-a-rock.

Just leave whales out of it...

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