Seismic Activity

Ice Hole

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Seismic Activity

Evidence for seismic activity is all over the place in The Long Dark.

This is something that could add quite a lot of depth to the story if we were to experience a ground rumble wan in awhile.  The scary/cool  thought was considering the evidence inside mines.  The cave-ins burying bodies and coal and stone re-spawning.  I am going to put it out there and say that Hinterland is going to rock our world in the new year!

Anyone else think it would be cool if this game could use some seismic activity that happens randomly or triggered by the aurora event.  Staying inside mines or caves become increasingly risky.

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I was considering falling stones will prevent us from utilizing the mines by causing injury.  Choosing to stay inside could result in death from a cave in.  Sort of similar to freezing to death in your sleep.  If the cave is a rock'in don't bother asleep'in. 

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Good thinking!

A nice perk of a slight earthquake would be if it spooked the animals too, allowing you a brief period of shy wolfies. The only issue would be that in overuse would be that we would question why items and furniture were still neatly ordered indoors, but I can see it working in and around mines.

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